摘要: 基于船舶静力学和优化理论, 以起重船舶各压载舱室液位变化量为优化变量, 压载舱压载水总调配量最小为优化目标, 起重调配过程船体平衡为约束条件, 建立了起重船舶压载水调配优化模型, 利用MATLAB优化了具有8个压载舱室的起重船舶压载水调配过程, 以降低起重船舶能耗。计算结果表明: 根据工程经验设计的调配方案在调配过程中仅使用3个压载舱室, 通过将1号舱室压载水调配到2、8号舱室, 即满足调配过程中船体平衡要求, 虽然采用优化模型在调配过程中使用了7个舱室, 将1、3、4、5、6号舱室压载水调配至2、8号舱室, 但总调配量比经验方案降低了21%;在经验方案和优化方案中, 压载水调配量均在吊机回转角为0°时最大, 分别达到了487.5、256.0t, 因而在该时刻起重船舶应缓慢加载和调配, 以防止加载过快而引起船体的倾斜; 在调配过程中, 当某压载舱室水位降低为0时, 会引起下一时刻压载水调配量的突变, 吊装货物时吊机在该时刻需缓慢运行, 保证压载系统能调配足够压载水, 以保证船体平衡, 避免造成严重后果。Abstract: Based on the hydrostatics and optimal theories of ship, the optimal model of ballast water allocation for crane ship was built.The optimal variables were the variations of water levels for all ballast tanks.The optimal objective was minimizing the ballast water's total allocation volume of ballast tanks.The constraint condition was hull balance in the lifting-allocating process.The ballast water allocation process of a crane ship with 8 ballast tanks was optimized by using MATLAB to reduce the energy consumption of crane ship.Calculation result shows that only 3 ballast tanks are used in the allocation process for the allocation scheme designed by engineering experience, and the requirement of hull balance is satisfied when the water in tank 1 is allocated into tanks 2, 8.When the proposed model is used, the water in tanks 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 is allocated into tanks 2, 8.Although 7 tanks are used in the allocation process, the total allocation volume reduces by 21% compared with the empirical scheme.For both the empirical scheme and optimal scheme, when the rotating angle of crane is 0, the ballast water allocation volumes are largest, and reach 487.5t and 256.0t, respectively.In order to avoid hull tilt caused by rapidly loading, the crane ship is loaded and allocated gradually at the moment.In the allocation process, when the water level of a ballast tank decreases to 0, the ballast water allocation volume will suddenly change at the next moment.At the moment, the crane should run slowly so that the ballast system can allocate enough ballast water to guarantee hull balance and avoid serious consequence.
表 1 起重船舶参数
Table 1. Parameters of crane ship
表 2 压载水位
Table 2. Ballast water levels
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