Parking pricing method of public parking lots based on multi-aspect comprehensive benefit maximization
摘要: 为了保障社会公共停车场后期的顺利投资与经营, 提出了多方综合效益最大化的停车收费定价方法; 考虑了停车者、投资经营者与社会公众的利益与需求, 利用停车特性调查数据分析、成本-收益停车定价模型和点弹性系数模型分别求出停车容忍费率、平均停车费率和最大社会效益停车费率, 分析了停车费用的定价方式, 制定了停车收费方案的合理构成和调整方法, 对比了现有停车定价方法与该停车定价方法对投资与经营效益的不同影响; 研究了后续时段停车费率单因素和3因素敏感性, 建立了后续时段停车费率与3因素之间的关系模型, 分析了3因素不同范围内的组合取值对停车收费方案的影响。分析结果表明: 后续时段停车费率是停车收费方案拟定的关键要素; 投资回收期、商业面积比例和停车场容积率在[-30%, 30%]内变动时, 后续时段停车费率的变化幅度将达到[-50%, 50%]; 控制商业面积比例和停车场容积率变动幅度在[-10%, 10%]内时, 投资回收期不宜取太长; 控制投资回收期和停车场容积率变动幅度在[-10%, 10%]内时, 商业面积比例不宜取太小, 最适宜比例为30%;控制投资回收期和商业面积比例变动幅度在[-10%, 10%]内时, 停车场容积率的取值对后续时段的停车费率影响不大。Abstract: In order to guarantee the successful investment and operation of public parking lots in later stage, aparking pricing method based on multi-aspect comprehensive benefit maximization was proposed.Considering the interests and needs of parkers, investment managers and public society, parking tolerance price rate, average parking price rate and maximum social benefit parking price rate were worked out by using the data analysis of parking characteristics survey, the cost-profit parking pricing model, and the point elasticity coefficient model, respectively.Parking pricing modes were analyzed.Reasonable compositions and adjustment methods ofparking pricing scheme were made.The impacts of investment and operation benefit by the existing pricing method and proposed method were compared.By studying the single-factor and three-factor sensitivities of later period parking price rate, a relationship model between three factors and parking price rate was proposed, and the influences of combination values of three factors within the different scopes on parking pricing scheme were analyzed.Analysis result shows that the parking price rate of later period is the key factor in parking pricing scheme.When the investment recovery period, commercial space proportion and plot ratio of parking lot change in[-30%, 30%], the fluctuation range of later period parking price rate will be [-50%, 50%].When the fluctuation ranges of commercial space proportion and plot ratio of parking lot are both controlled in [-10%, 10%], the investment recovery period should not be taken too long.When the fluctuation ranges of investment recovery period and plot ratio of parking lot are both controlled in[-10%, 10%], the commercial space proportion should not be taken too small, and the most suitable proportion is 30%.When the fluctuation ranges of investment recovery period and commercial space proportion are both controlled in [-10%, 10%], the plot ratio of parking lot has small influence on the parking price rate of later period.
表 1 特征变量
Table 1. Characteristic variables
表 2 参数标定结果
Table 2. Calibration result of parameters
表 3 主要指标初始取值
Table 3. Initial value of each main index
表 4 各指标计算结果
Table 4. Calculation result of each index
表 5 停车定价模式评价指标
Table 5. Evaluation indexes of parking pricing modes
表 6 后续时间停车费率的的拟合方程
Table 6. Fitting equations of later period parking price rates
表 7 后续时段停车费率的最小值、最大值和中间临界控制值
Table 7. Minimum values, maximum values and intermediate critical control values of later period parking price rates
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