摘要: 基于河北省宣大高速长达18个月的动态称重数据, 从中分离出特重车辆荷载数据, 分析了车辆的质量、速度、到达时间与位置等关键荷载参数的分布特性; 提取了特重车辆典型车型, 分析了各车型轴重分布; 采用桥梁动力分析系统对883个特重车辆荷载工况进行动态可视化仿真, 通过空心板桥结构响应与设计汽车荷载效应的对比, 分析了特重车辆荷载与设计汽车荷载的差异, 并通过考虑恒载效应与特重车辆荷载效应的组合, 研究了重载下空心板桥梁的承载能力安全性。分析结果发现: 正弯矩效应极值与设计值之比达到了2.09, 剪力效应极值与设计值之比达到了1.97, 说明实际中最大特重车辆荷载已明显超越设计汽车荷载; 正弯矩效应均值、剪力效应均值与设计值之比接近1.0, 说明实际中平均特重车辆荷载与设计值比较接近; 抗弯与抗剪承载力评估指标分别在0.50、0.40上下浮动, 其极值分别在0.72、0.50上下浮动, 说明按照当前设计水平建造的空心板桥梁能够满足重载交通下的运营安全性, 抗弯承载能力较抗剪承载能力具有更大的冗余度; 承载能力评估指标随跨径变化未出现明显的增减趋势, 说明冗余度水平随跨径的增大基本保持稳定。Abstract: Based on the 18-month weigh-in-motion (WIM) data of Xuanda Expressway in Hebei Province, the load data of extra-heavy trucks were extracted, the key load parameters including the mass, speed, arrival time and lane distribution of vehicle were investigated, the types of extra-heavy trucks were classified, and the axle load distributions were analyzed. The load cases of 883 extra-heavy trucks were dynamically and visually simulated by using Bridge Dynamics Analysis System, the responses of hollow slab bridges were compared with the design vehicle load effects, and the differences between extra-heavy truck loads and corresponding design loads were investigated. The bearing capacity safety of hollow slab bridges under heavy traffic was investigated by considering the effect combination of dead load and extra-heavy truck load. Analysis result shows that the ratios of extreme values of positive bending moment and shearforce to the corresponding design values are 2.09 and 1.97, respectively, which indicates that the maximum extra-heavy truck loads are obviously higher than vehicle design loads.the ratios of average values of positive bending moment and shear force to the corresponding design values are close to 1.0, which indicates that the average extra-heavy truck load is close to the design vehicle load. The average values of evaluation indexes of bending and shearing bearing capacities fluctuate around 0.50 and 0.40, respectively, the extreme values fluctuate around 0.72 and 0.50, which indicates that the hollow slab bridge at the current design level can satisfy the operation safety requirement under heavy traffic, and the bending capacity has a higher redundancy than the shearing capacity. The evaluation indexes of bearing capacity don't change obviously with the increase of span length, which indicates that the redundancy of bearing capacity remain stable when the span length increases.
Key words:
- bridge engineering /
- hollow slab bridge /
- heavy traffic /
- weigh-in-motion /
- bearing capacity safety
表 1 简支空心板桥梁关键参数
Table 1. Key parameters of simply supported hollow slab bridges
表 2 特重车辆车型分类
Table 2. Classification of extra-heavy truck types
表 3 轴重与轴距分布类型与参数
Table 3. Distribution types and parameters of axle loads and axle distances
表 4 特重车辆荷载工况
Table 4. Extra-heavy truck load cases
表 5 抗力与恒载效应
Table 5. Resistances and dead load effects
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