摘要: 为量化机车编组方式对重载列车再充气特性的影响, 结合神华铁路万吨重载列车纵向动力学试验结果, 对万吨重载列车再充气特性进行分析, 并利用基于气体流动理论的空气制动系统仿真方法, 建立列车空气制动系统模型, 通过试验对比验证仿真系统的准确性, 对不同机车编组、多机车不同滞后时间和不同减压量的再充气过程进行仿真。计算结果表明: 列车头部机车数目增加对首车再充气特性影响较小, 2种编组列车的副风缸压强差值小于15kPa; 单编列车充风时间是3辆机车编组充风时间的2.4倍; 当机车集中于列车前部时, 充风时间缩短量与机车数目增加量非正比关系, 即3辆机车集中编组的充风时间不是单编列车充风时间的3/10;机车数目对于充风时间的影响完全取决于编组方式, 分散编组减压50kPa的充风时间较集中编组节省37%~75%, 机车集中编组减压110kPa的充风时间是分散编组的1.5~3.5倍, 分散编组常用全制动的充风时间为机车集中编组的30%~63%;从控机车滞后时间对充风时间影响较小, 充风时间增长量与滞后时间相近; 得到4种机车编组方式不同减压量的充风时间的二次拟合函数, 随着减压量的增加, 4种机车编组的充风时间增长缓慢。Abstract: In order to quantify the influence of locomotive marshalling mode on the air-recharging characteristic of heavy-haul train, combining with longitudinal dynamics test results of Shenhua ten-thousand-tons heavy-haul trains, the air-recharging characteristics of train were analyzed, and the train air brake system model was established by using the air brake system simulation method based on airflow theory. The accuracy of the simulation system was verified by test result comparison, and the air-recharging processes on different locomotive marshalling modes, different lag times of multi-locomotives and different pressure reductions were simulated. Calculation result shows that the locomotive's quantity in the front of train has little influence on the air-recharging characteristic of first vehicle, and the difference of auxiliary reservoir pressures for two marshalling modes is less than 15 kPa. The air-charging time of single locomotive marshalling mode is 2.4 times of air-charging time of three locomotives marshalling mode. When the locomotive has centralized on the forepart of the train, the charging time reduction is nonproportional to the increase number of locomotives, which means that the air-charging time of three locomotives concentrated marshalling mode is not three tenth of the air-charging time for single locomotive marshalling train. The influence of locomotive number on air-charging time depends entirely on the marshalling mode. The air-charging time of distributed power marshalling mode with 50 kPa reduction compared to concentrated locomotive marshalling mode decreases by 37%-75%. The air-charging time of locomotive concentrated marshalling mode with 110 kPa reduction is 1.5-3.5 times of distributed power marshalling mode. The air-charging time of distributed power marshalling mode for full service braking is 30%-63% of locomotive concentrated marshalling mode. The lag time of slave control locomotive has little influence on the air-charging time. The increment of air-charging time is similar to the lag time. The quadratic fitting functions of air-charging times of four different locomotive marshalling modes for different decompressions are got, and the air-charging times of the four locomotive marshalling modes increase more slowly with the increase of decompression.
表 1 不同编组系数
Table 1. Coefficients of different marshalling modes
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