摘要: 为解决航班延误问题, 提出了基于复合分派规则的进场航班排序方法。基于机器调度理论, 将最小化加权总延误为目标的进场航班排序问题等效为最小化加权总滞后的机器调度问题; 考虑顺序决定的准备时间约束、提交时间约束与最后期限约束, 构建了进场航班排序模型; 引入加权最短加工时间因子、松弛因子、准备时间因子、提交时间因子与最后期限因子, 提出了进场航班排序的复合分派规则, 设计了进场航班排序的启发式算法; 基于实际案例, 对比了采用提出的排序方法、先到先服务规则与Lingo软件得到的进场加权总延误、总延误与最大延误。计算结果表明: 提出的排序方法在30架次航班数值仿真中, 加权总延误比先到先服务规则缩短了31min, 延误航班数量减少了6架次; 在以上海浦东机场北向运行为场景的实际案例验证中, 基于排序方法的优化降落时间与Lingo软件的仿真结果相同, 与实际降落时间相比, 平均每架次航班提前了2.4min降落。Abstract: To alleviate the flight delay problem, a sequencing approach of arrival aircrafts was proposed based on composite dispatching rules. Based on the machine scheduling theory, the sequencing problem of arrival aircrafts with the target of minimizing weighted total delay was transformed into the machine scheduling problem with the target of minimizing weighted total tardiness. The order-depended time constraint, submitted time constraint and deadline constraint were considered, and the sequencing model of arrival aircrafts was constructed. Through introducing the weighted shortest processing time factor, slack term factor, setup time factor, release time factor and deadline factor, the composite dispatching rule for the sequencing was presented, and a heuristic algorithm for the sequencing was developed. Based on real case, the weighted total delays, total delays and maximum delays of arrival aircrafts computed by using the proposed sequencing approach, first-come-first-service rule and Lingo software were compared. Computation result shows that in the numerical simulation with 30 arrival aircrafts, when the proposed method was compared with the first-come-first-service rule, the weighted total delay reduces by 31 min, and the number of delayed aircrafts decreases by 6. In the northbound operations of Shanghai Pudong Airport, when the proposed method was compared with Lingosoftware, the optimized landing times are same, but 2.4 min per aircraft is saved compared with the actual landing time.
表 1 变量描述
Table 1. Variable descriptions
表 2 尾流间隔标准
Table 2. Wake vortex separation standards
表 3 复合分派规则
Table 3. Composite dispatching rules
表 4 仿真结果对比
Table 4. Comparison of simulation results
表 5 验证结果对比
Table 5. Comparison validation results
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