摘要: 针对考虑和不考虑界面滑移2种情况, 在任意温度分布作用下, 推导了钢-混凝土组合梁界面剪力、相对滑移和温度应力理论计算公式, 采用有限元模拟对考虑界面滑移的公式进行了验证, 并在钢-混凝土温差模式(模式1)、《公路桥涵设计通用规范》 (JTG D60—2015) 温差模式(模式2) 和英国规范BS5400温差模式(模式3) 下, 对比了温度效应的计算结果。分析结果表明: 采用考虑界面滑移的剪力理论公式计算出的组合梁界面剪力分布与有限元计算结果规律一致, 3种模式下剪力最大偏差分别为1.15%、2.65%和3.41%;组合梁界面剪力服从双曲余弦函数分布, 界面滑移服从双曲正弦函数分布; 不考虑滑移与考虑滑移计算得到的界面最大剪力基本相等, 最大偏差仅为1.22%;组合梁跨中温度应力计算值的最大偏差小于1%, 但组合梁端部温度应力计算值偏差较大, 模式3温差为20℃时, 考虑滑移时的混凝土底部温度拉应力为不考虑滑移时的1.9倍; 组合梁的界面温度效应与温差成线性关系, 斜率与温度分布模式有关, 模式1的界面剪力、界面剪应力和界面滑移的变化速率最大, 分别为9.138kN·℃-1、0.067MPa·℃-1和5.263×10-3 mm·℃-1;温差为30℃时, 模式1的界面剪力、界面剪应力和界面滑移变化速率均为模式3的3倍以上, 因此, 不考虑钢梁温度梯度会使组合梁界面剪力、相对滑移与温度应力计算结果产生偏差, 且偏差会随温差的增大而增大。Abstract: Under the two cases of considering interface slippage or not, the theoretical calculation formulas of steel-concrete composite girder's interface shear force, relative slippage and temperature stress were deduced under arbitrary temperature distribution. The formulas under considering interface slippage were verified by using the finite element simulation. Under the steel-concrete temperature difference pattern (pattern 1), the temperature difference pattern in General Specifications for Design of Highway Bridges and Culverts (JTG D60—2015) (pattern 2) and the temperature difference pattern in British Code BS5400 (pattern 3), the calculation results of temperature effects were compared. Analysis result shows that the interface shear forcedistribution of composite girder calculated by the shear force theoretical formula under considering interface slippage has the same rule with the finite element calculation result, and the maximum shear force deviations under the 3 patterns are 1.15%, 2.65% and 3.41%, respectively. The interface shear force of composite girder obeys hyperbolic cosine function distribution, and the interface slippage obeys hyperbolic sine function distribution. The calculated shear forces under considering interface slippage or not are almost equal, and the maximum deviation is only 1.22%. The maximum deviation of calculated mid-span temperature stress of composite girder is less than 1%. However, the deviation of calculated temperature stress at the end of composite girder is larger. When the temperature difference is 20 ℃ in pattern 3, the temperature tensile stress at concrete slab bottom under considering the slippage is 1.9 times as large as the one under no considering the slippage. The interface temperature effect of composite girder has linear relationship with temperature difference, and its slope is related to the pattern of temperature distribution. The variation rates of interface shear force, interface shear stress and interface slippage are largest in pattern 1, and are 9.138 kN·℃-1, 0.067 MPa·℃-1 and 5.263×10-3 mm·℃-1, respectively. When the temperature difference is 30 ℃, the variation rates of interface shear force, interface shear stress and interface slippage in pattern 1 are more than 3 times as large as the values in pattern 3. Therefore, no considering the temperature gradient of steel girder can cause the deviations of interface force, relative slippage and temperature stress, and the deviations grow with the increase of temperature difference.
表 1 组合梁温度效应主要计算结果Fig.1 Main calculated results of composite girder's thermal effects
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