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吴庆雄 黄宛昆 陈宝春 陈康明 中村聖三

吴庆雄, 黄宛昆, 陈宝春, 陈康明, 中村聖三. 结合面底部设开孔钢板的铰接空心板力学性能[J]. 交通运输工程学报, 2017, 17(4): 45-54.
引用本文: 吴庆雄, 黄宛昆, 陈宝春, 陈康明, 中村聖三. 结合面底部设开孔钢板的铰接空心板力学性能[J]. 交通运输工程学报, 2017, 17(4): 45-54.
WU Qing-xiong, HUANG Wan-kun, CHEN Bao-chun, CHEN Kang-ming, ZHONG Cun-sheng-san. Mechanical property of hinged voided slab with perforated steel plates at bottom of junction surface[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2017, 17(4): 45-54.
Citation: WU Qing-xiong, HUANG Wan-kun, CHEN Bao-chun, CHEN Kang-ming, ZHONG Cun-sheng-san. Mechanical property of hinged voided slab with perforated steel plates at bottom of junction surface[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2017, 17(4): 45-54.



国家自然科学基金项目 51678154

教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目 NCET-13-0737

河北省交通科技项目 Y-2014045


    吴庆雄(1973-), 男, 福建南靖人, 福州大学研究员, 工学博士, 从事桥梁工程研究

  • 中图分类号: U443.3

Mechanical property of hinged voided slab with perforated steel plates at bottom of junction surface

More Information
    Author Bio:

    WU Qing-xiong(1973-), male, researcher, PhD, +86-591-83358433, wuqingx@fzu.edu.cn

  • 摘要: 针对现有铰接空心板桥的薄弱部位——铰缝, 提出一种在空心板与铰缝结合面底部设开孔钢板的空心板构造, 通过开孔钢板改变结合面裂缝开展的路径, 达到延缓空心板与铰缝结合面通缝形成的目的, 并进行了8m跨径的铰接空心板足尺模型试验。在试验和非线性有限元分析的基础上, 与结合面底部带钢筋的铰接空心板试验进行了对比。分析结果表明: 当试验荷载为100kN (1.43倍车辆荷载) 时, 空心板跨中出现横向裂缝, 空心板梁整体刚度降低, 空心板受力状态由弹性阶段进入弹塑性阶段; 在试验荷载加至300kN (4.29倍车辆荷载) 为止的整个加载过程, 未观察到空心板与铰缝结合面底部出现裂缝; 当结合面底部设门式钢筋时, 裂缝沿结合面从下向上扩展, 最终形成通缝, 然而, 当结合面底部设开孔钢板后, 铰缝沿结合面开裂至开孔钢板下方后, 裂缝的扩展需要绕过开孔钢板, 使得开孔钢板下方铰缝混凝土开裂后, 再沿开孔钢板上方结合面向上扩展, 形成通缝; 铰缝开裂荷载由结合面设置钢筋的69kN (0.99倍车辆荷载) 提高到314kN (4.49倍车辆荷载), 提高了3.50倍; 铰缝形成通缝时的荷载由结合面设置钢筋的199kN (2.84倍车辆荷载) 提高到489kN (6.99倍车辆荷载), 提高了4.51倍。可见, 在结合面底部设开孔钢板后, 铰缝裂缝开展路径发生变化, 延缓了空心板与铰缝结合面的开裂。


  • 图  1  设开孔钢板的铰缝构造

    Figure  1.  Hinged joint structure with perforated steel plates

    图  2  试验模型截面

    Figure  2.  Cross section of experiment model

    图  3  空心板截面

    Figure  3.  Cross section of voided slab

    图  4  铰缝尺寸

    Figure  4.  Sizes of hinged joint

    图  5  铰缝内构造钢筋

    Figure  5.  Steel bars in hinged joint

    图  6  带开孔钢板的空心板构造

    Figure  6.  Structure of voided slab with perforated steel plates

    图  7  开孔钢板构造(单位: cm)

    Figure  7.  Structure of perforated steel plate (unit: cm)

    图  8  开孔钢板与预埋钢板焊接

    Figure  8.  Welding between perforated and pre-embeded steel plates

    图  9  足尺试验

    Figure  9.  Full-scale experiment

    图  10  试验得到的空心板跨中挠度曲线

    Figure  10.  Curves of mid-span deflections of voided slabs obtained by experiment

    图  11  铰缝横向张开量曲线

    Figure  11.  Transverse opening curves of hinged joints

    图  12  有限元模型

    Figure  12.  Finite element models

    图  13  结合面黏结强度方向

    Figure  13.  Directions of bonding strengths at junction surface

    图  14  结合面黏结滑移曲线

    Figure  14.  Bonding-slipping curves of junction surface

    图  15  试验与有限元得到的空心板跨中挠度

    Figure  15.  Mid-span deflections of voided slabs obtained by experiment and FEA

    图  16  试验与有限元得到的空心板跨中截面底部应变

    Figure  16.  Strains of voided slabs at mid-span bottoms obtained by experiment and FEA

    图  17  不同铰缝形式的空心板跨中挠度

    Figure  17.  Mid-span deflections of voided slabs with different hinged joint structures

    图  18  不同铰缝形式的空心板跨中截面底部应变

    Figure  18.  Strains of voided slabs at mid-span bottoms with different hinged joint structures

    图  19  结合面

    Figure  19.  Joint surfaces

    图  20  铰缝竖向测点分布

    Figure  20.  Vertical measuring point distribution of hinged joint

    图  21  结合面竖向黏结滑移量曲线

    Figure  21.  Vertical slippage curves of junction surface

    图  22  结合面竖向黏结滑移应力形状

    Figure  22.  Vertical slippage stress shapes of junction surface

    表  1  混凝土参数

    Table  1.   Parameters of concretes

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    表  2  铰缝破坏模式与对应荷载

    Table  2.   Failure modes of hinged joint and corresponding loads

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