摘要: 分析了紧急情况造成的心理压力对地铁站台乘客疏散行为产生的影响, 建立了心理压力与滞留时间、局部密度、危险源距离的数量关系; 研究了心理压力下的疏散期望速度, 建立了修正期望速度模型, 并修正了社会力模型; 针对站台乘客疏散过程, 设计了多智能体感知和决策流程, 建立了基于多智能体技术的疏散仿真模型, 对乘客从接收疏散信号到疏散完成的全过程进行抽象化处理; 运用AnyLogic仿真软件搭建仿真场景, 并将建立的多个模型以接口方式导入仿真软件, 基于北京地铁2号线西直门站台, 研究了乘客的疏散行为。仿真结果表明: 心理压力对疏散时间、疏散速度、乘客密度与绕行距离产生了较大影响, 有心理压力时乘客疏散效率较无心理压力时增大了24.03%, 整体平均疏散时间减少了27.68%, 楼梯区域平均疏散时间减少了36.20%, 衔接区域平均疏散时间减少了22.05%;有心理压力的乘客在楼梯区域的平均疏散速度约为0.226m·s-1, 无心理压力时约为0.351m·s-1; 在衔接区域, 有心理压力的乘客最高聚集密度达8.0人·m-2, 无心理压力时达到9.5人·m-2, 楼梯区域乘客聚集密度最大值均约为3.5人·m-2; 有心理压力的乘客平均绕行距离较无心理压力时增加了96.91%, 乘客运动更加混乱。Abstract: The effects of psychological stress from emergencies on metro platform on the evacuation behaviors of passengers were analyzed. The numerical relationship between psychological stress and retention time, local density, distance of hazard was built.The expected velocity of evacuation under psychological stress was researched, a modified expectation velocity model was developed, and the social force model was modified.Aiming at the evacuation process of passengers on the platform, a multi-agent perception and decision-making flow was designed.An evacuation simulation model based on multi-agent technology was built, and the whole process from the reception of evacuation signals to the evacuation completion for passengers was abstractly dealt with.AnyLogic simulation software was used to build the simulation case, the built models were imported into the simulation software by interface means, and the evacuationbehaviors of passengers were studied based on the Xizhimen Platform in Beijing Metro Line 2.Simulation result shows that the psychological stress has large effect on the evacuation time, evacuation velocity, passenger density and detour distance.The passengers'evacuation efficiency with psychological stress increases by 24.03%than that without psychological stress, the average total evacuation time reduces by 27.68%, and the average evacuation times in stair region and connecting region reduce by 36.20% and 22.05%, respectively.The passengers'average evacuation velocity with psychological stress in stair region is about 0.226 m·s-1, and the velocity without psychological stress is 0.351 m ·s-1.The highest gathering density in connecting region with psychological stress is 8.0 passenger· m-2, while the density is9.5 passenger·m-2 without psychological stress.The highest gathering density in stair region is3.5 passenger·m-2.The detour distance with psychological stress increases by 96.91% than that without psychological stress, and the movement of passengers with psychological stress is more chaotic.
Key words:
- urban rail transit /
- metro platform /
- emergency /
- passenger evacuation /
- social force model /
- psychological stress /
- multi-agent
表 1 行人心理压力和自由走行速度的关系
Table 1. Relationship between psychological stress and free movement velocity of pedestrian
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