Influence of asphalt mixture volume indexes on asphalt pavement skid resistance performance
摘要: 为研究沥青路面抗滑性能与沥青混合料体积指标的关联, 揭示不同体积指标对抗滑性能的影响程度, 采用真空法和塑封法对不同AC-16型沥青混合料进行密度试验, 对比了空隙率、矿料间隙率、有效沥青饱和度和粗集料框架间隙率等体积指标; 对沥青混合料进行室内磨光试验和摆值测试, 采用Asymptotic模型拟合其抗滑性能的衰变趋势, 得到了抗滑初值、稳定值与减幅等参数; 建立了体积指标与抗滑性能的函数关系, 并应用灰色关联理论分析了不同体积指标与抗滑性能之间的灰色关联度排序。研究结果表明: 不同体积指标对抗滑性能的影响存在差异, 随着沥青混合料空隙率和矿料间隙率的增加及有效沥青饱和度和粗集料框架间隙率的降低, 沥青混合料的抗滑性能增大; 灰色关联度排序为空隙率最大, 矿料间隙率其次, 再次为有效沥青饱和度, 粗集料框架间隙率最小, 可见空隙率是影响抗滑性能的最主要因素, 矿料间隙率对抗滑性能影响显著, 有效沥青饱和度和粗集料框架间隙率的影响程度不大; 在设计、施工中, 可通过合理控制混合料空隙率, 调节混合料密实状态和紧密状态等方式提高沥青路面抗滑性能。Abstract: To study the relevance between asphalt pavement skid resistance performance and asphalt mixture volume indexes, and reveal the influence degrees of different volume indexes on the skid resistance performance, the density experiments of different AC-16 asphalt mixtures were conducted by vacuum method and plastic encapsulation method, and the volume indexes such as volumetric voidage (VV), void in mineral aggregate (VMA), void filled with asphalt (VFA) and void in coarse aggregate (VCA) were compared.Indoor polishing test and pendulum test on asphalt mixtures were conducted, asymptotic model was used to fit the skid resistance's decay trend, and the parameters such as the initial value, steady value and damping value of skid resistance were obtained.The function relationships between the volume indexes and the skid resistance performance were built, and the grey correlation degree ranks between the differentvolume indexes and the skid resistance performance were analyzed by grey correlation theory.Research result indicates that there are some differences between the influences of different volume indexes on the skid resistance performance.The skid resistance performance of asphalt mixture increases with the increase of VV and VMA, and the decrease of VFA and VCA.Grey correlation degree descending order is VV, VMA, VFA and VCA, which means that VV is the main influence factor of skid resistance performance, the influence of VMA on skid resistance performance is significant, however, the influence degrees of VFA and VCA are not obvious.In the design and construction process, the asphalt pavement skid resistance performance can be improved by controlling mixture voidage and adjusting the dense state and compact condition of mixture.
表 1 沥青混合料级配
Table 1. Asphalt mixture gradations
表 2 沥青基本性质
Table 2. Basic properties of asphalts
表 3 沥青混合料体积指标
Table 3. Volume indexes of asphalt mixtures
表 4 典型油石比下沥青混合料的体积指标
Table 4. Volume indexes of asphalt mixtures under typical asphalt-aggregate ratios
表 5 沥青混合料抗滑值
Table 5. Skid resistance values of asphalt mixtures
表 6 抗滑值拟合结果
Table 6. Fitting result of skid resistance values
表 7 沥青混合料试验结果
Table 7. Test result of asphalt mixtures
表 8 试验结果初始化
Table 8. Initialization of test result
表 9 体积指标的求差序列
Table 9. Difference value lists of volume indexes
表 10 0各影响因素的灰色关联系数
Table 10. Grey correlation coefficients of influence factors
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