摘要: 建立了考虑桥台-土相互作用的墙式整体桥台无缝桥的空间有限元模型, 采用实测数据验证了模型的准确性; 分析了不同荷载工况下主梁与桥台的受力特征, 研究了温度、台后填土密实度与桥梁跨径对桥梁受力特征的影响。研究结果表明: 与同等跨径简支梁桥相比, 墙式整体桥台无缝桥受力最不利主梁的跨中弯矩降低了20%~40%, 跨中与梁端弯矩之和降低了约28%, 说明主梁内力分布比较均匀, 结构纵、横桥向整体性增强; 桥台顶部存在较大的弯矩和剪力, 桥台变形比较复杂; 墙式整体桥台无缝桥的内力和变形受温度作用的影响较为明显, 且梯度升温与整体降温在梁端产生正弯矩, 梯度降温与整体升温在梁端产生负弯矩, 因此, 设计过程中对于不同的构件应选用合适的荷载工况; 台后填土密实度由松散变化至密实时, 整体升温或降温作用下主梁梁端和跨中弯矩变化幅度小于5%, 桥台变形幅度小于9%, 说明台后填土密实度对主梁弯矩和桥台变形的影响较小; 当桥梁跨径由6m增加至13m时, 桥台顶部弯矩增加了1.781倍, 桥台内力随跨径的增大而快速增大, 因此, 在墙式整体桥台无缝桥梁的设计时, 建议最大跨径不超过10m, 以控制桥台在正常使用极限状态下的混凝土裂缝宽度。Abstract: The spatial finite element model of jointless bridge with wall-type integral abutment was established under considering the abutment-soil interaction, and its accuracy was validated by using the measured data.The mechanical characteristics of main girder and abutment under different load cases were analyzed, and the effects of temperature, backfill compactness and bridge span on the mechanical characteristics were studied.Research result shows that, compared to the simply supported girder bridge with same span, the mid-span moment of worst stress condition's main girder of jointless bridge with wall-type integral abutment decreases by 20%-40%, and the sum of mid-span moment and girder-end moment decreases by 28%, which indicates that the distribution of internal force is more balance, and the structural integrity of longitudinal and transverse directions is more obvious.The top of abutment has larger moment and shear force, and the deformation of abutment is complex.The internal force and deformationof jointless bridge with wall-type integral abutment are sensitive to temperature actions.That gradient temperature rises and overall temperature decreases causes girder-end positive moment, and that gradient temperature decreases and overall temperature rises causes girder-end negative moment, so suitable load cases should be chosen for different members during design process.When the backfill compactness changes from loose to compact, the variations of main girder's end and mid-span moments are less than 5% when overall temperature rises or decreases, and the variation of abutment deformation is less than 9%, which indicates that backfill compactness has little effect on main girder moment and abutment deformation.When the bridge span changes from 6 mto 13 m, the top moment of abutment increases by 1.781 times, and the internal force of abutment increases rapidly.Therefore, it is suggested that the bridge span should not exceed10 mduring the design process of jointless bridge with wall-type integral abutment to control the concrete crack width of abutment under the serviceability limit state.
表 1 材料参数
Table 1. Parameters of materials
表 2 整体桥台无缝桥主梁内力
Table 2. Main girder internal forces of jointless bridge with integral abutment
表 3 简支梁桥主梁内力
Table 3. Main girder internal forces of simply supported girder bridge
表 4 填土性质
Table 4. Backfill properties
表 5 台后填土密实度对桥台变形的影响
Table 5. Effect of backfill compactness on abutment deformation
表 6 不同跨径时主梁与桥台内力
Table 6. Internal forces of main girder and abutment under different spans
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