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聂枝根 王万琼 王超 宗长富

聂枝根, 王万琼, 王超, 宗长富. 中高速重型半挂车适时模式切换的集成控制策略[J]. 交通运输工程学报, 2017, 17(6): 135-149.
引用本文: 聂枝根, 王万琼, 王超, 宗长富. 中高速重型半挂车适时模式切换的集成控制策略[J]. 交通运输工程学报, 2017, 17(6): 135-149.
NIE Zhi-gen, WANG Wan-qiong, WANG Chao, ZONG Zhang-fu. Integrated control strategy of articulated heavy vehicle based on timely mode switching under medium/high speed conditions[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2017, 17(6): 135-149.
Citation: NIE Zhi-gen, WANG Wan-qiong, WANG Chao, ZONG Zhang-fu. Integrated control strategy of articulated heavy vehicle based on timely mode switching under medium/high speed conditions[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2017, 17(6): 135-149.



国家自然科学基金项目 51705225

云南省引进人才科研启动基金项目 KKSY201602009


    聂枝根(1983-), 男, 江西高安人, 昆明理工大学讲师, 工学博士, 从事车辆动力学研究

  • 中图分类号: U469.53

Integrated control strategy of articulated heavy vehicle based on timely mode switching under medium/high speed conditions

More Information
  • 摘要: 在中高速工况下, 建立了重型半挂车五自由度简化模型, 提出了适时模式切换的集成控制策略; 集成控制策略由差动制动和挂车主动转向2个控制系统集成, 针对中高速重型半挂车工况变化, 适时切换集成控制策略的控制模式, 实现中高速重型半挂车各工况精准控制; 采用遗传粒子群算法, 设计了集成控制策略各控制模式对应优化函数, 优化了各控制模式的权重系数, 融合与协调了集成控制策略多个单一控制策略, 以实现各控制模式重型半挂车最优控制; 分析了重型半挂车多个控制策略的仿真结果, 并搭建了硬件在环试验台, 验证了集成控制策略的控制效果。研究结果表明: 在普通工况下, 集成控制策略与挂车主动转向控制策略的控制效果类似, 优于差动制动控制策略的控制效果, 而在极限工况下, 控制能力强于挂车主动转向控制策略和差动制动控制策略; 采用集成控制策略增强了中高速普通工况重型半挂车横摆和折叠稳定性, 牵引车质心侧偏角、挂车横摆角速度和挂车质心侧偏角最大值分别改善了27.46%、53.19%和91.60%, 铰接角最大值改善了29.07%;提升了中高速普通工况重型半挂车路径跟随能力, 挂车后端路径最大偏差改善了95.48%;提高了中高速普通工况的重型半挂车侧倾能力, 牵引车侧倾角、挂车侧倾角、挂车侧向加速度最大值分别改善了11.15%、10.34%和4.08%;避免了极限工况重型半挂车侧翻, 且控制牵引车和挂车侧倾角在25°左右的稳定范围内。


  • 图  1  简化模型

    Figure  1.  Simplified model

    图  2  集成控制策略

    Figure  2.  Integrated control strategy

    图  3  路径偏差计算

    Figure  3.  Calculation of path deviation

    图  4  坐标系转换后的偏差计算

    Figure  4.  Deviation calculation after coordinate transformation

    图  5  单移线工况

    Figure  5.  Single lane change condition

    图  6  低附单移线工况牵引车质心侧偏角仿真结果对比

    Figure  6.  Simulation result comparison of slip angle for center of mass of tractor under low-adhesion single-lane change condition

    图  7  低附单移线工况挂车横摆角速度仿真结果对比

    Figure  7.  Simulation result comparison of yaw velocity of trailer under low-adhesion single-lane change condition

    图  8  低附单移线工况挂车质心侧偏角仿真结果对比

    Figure  8.  Simulation result comparison of slip angle for center of mass of trailer under low-adhesion single-lane change condition

    图  9  低附单移线工况铰接角仿真结果对比

    Figure  9.  Simulation result comparison of hitch angle under low-adhesion single-lane change condition

    图  10  低附单移线工况牵引车侧倾角仿真结果对比

    Figure  10.  Simulation result comparison of roll angle of tractor under low-adhesion single-lane change condition

    图  11  低附单移线工况挂车侧倾角仿真结果对比

    Figure  11.  Simulation result comparison of roll angle of trailer under low-adhesion single-lane change condition

    图  12  低附单移线工况挂车侧向加速度仿真结果对比

    Figure  12.  Simulation result comparison of lateral acceleration of trailer under low-adhesion single-lane change condition

    图  13  高附双移线工况牵引车侧倾角仿真结果对比

    Figure  13.  Simulation result comparison of roll angle of tractor under high-adhesion double-lane change condition

    图  14  高附双移线工况挂车侧倾角仿真结果对比

    Figure  14.  Simulation result comparison of roll angle of trailer under high-adhesion double-lane change condition

    图  15  高附双移线工况牵引车侧向加速度仿真结果对比

    Figure  15.  Simulation result comparison of lateral acceleration of tractor under high-adhesion double-lane change condition

    图  16  高附双移线工况挂车侧向加速度仿真结果对比

    Figure  16.  Simulation result comparison of lateral acceleration of trailer under high-adhesion double-lane change condition

    图  17  高附双移线工况挂车横摆角速度仿真结果对比

    Figure  17.  Simulation result comparison of yaw velocity of trailer under high-adhesion double-lane change condition

    图  18  高附双移线工况挂车质心侧偏角仿真结果对比

    Figure  18.  Simulation result comparison of slip angle for center of mass of trailer under high-adhesion double-lane change condition

    图  19  试验台

    Figure  19.  Test bench

    图  20  低附单移线工况制动压力

    Figure  20.  Brake pressures under low-adhesion single-lane change condition

    图  21  低附单移线工况主动转向角试验结果对比

    Figure  21.  Experiment result comparison of active steering angle under low-adhesion single-lane change condition

    图  22  低附单移线工况牵引车质心侧偏角试验结果对比

    Figure  22.  Experiment result comparison of slip angle of tractor under low-adhesion single-lane change condition

    图  23  低附单移线工况挂车横摆角速度试验结果对比

    Figure  23.  Experiment result comparison of yaw velocity of trailer under low-adhesion single-lane change condition

    图  24  低附单移线工况挂车质心侧偏角试验结果对比

    Figure  24.  Experiment result comparison of slip angle of center of mass for trailer under low-adhesion single-lane change condition

    图  25  低附单移线工况侧向位移试验结果对比

    Figure  25.  Experiment result comparison of lateral displacement under low-adhesion single-lane change condition

    图  26  低附单移线工况铰接角试验结果对比

    Figure  26.  Experiment result comparison of hitch angle under low-adhesion single-lane change condition

    图  27  低附单移线工况牵引车侧倾角试验结果对比

    Figure  27.  Experiment result comparison of roll angle of tractor under low-adhesion single-lane change condition

    图  28  低附单移线工况挂车侧倾角试验结果对比

    Figure  28.  Experiment result comparison of roll angle of trailer under low-adhesion single-lane change condition

    图  29  低附单移线工况挂车侧向加速度试验结果对比

    Figure  29.  Experiment result comparison of lateral acceleration of trailer under low-adhesion single-lane change condition

    图  30  高附双移线工况牵引车侧倾角试验结果对比

    Figure  30.  Experiment result comparison of roll angle of tractor under high-adhesion double-lane change condition

    图  31  高附双移线工况挂车侧倾角试验结果对比

    Figure  31.  Experiment result comparison of roll angle of trailer under high-adhesion double-lane change condition

    图  32  高附双移线工况切换标志

    Figure  32.  Switching flags under high-adhesion double-lane change condition

    图  33  高附双移线工况主动转向角度

    Figure  33.  Active steering angles under high-adhesion double-lane change condition

    图  34  高附双移线工况牵引车前轴制动压力

    Figure  34.  Brake pressures of front axle for tractor under high-adhesion double-lane change condition

    图  35  高附双移线工况牵引车后轴制动压力

    Figure  35.  Brake pressures of rear axle for tractor under high-adhesion double-lane change condition

    图  36  高附双移线工况挂车制动压力

    Figure  36.  Brake pressures of trailer under high-adhesion double-lane change condition

    表  1  低附单移线工况仿真结果

    Table  1.   Simulation result under low-adhesion single-lane change condition

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    表  2  低附单移线工况试验结果

    Table  2.   Test result under low-adhesion single-lane change condition

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