摘要: 利用地理信息系统和优化理论, 研究了最短路径算法、车辆优化调度算法与日常工作事务管理模型, 开发出集图形、图像处理及数据可视化技术于一体的车辆优化调度系统。系统实现了车辆优化调度的可视化及动态调整, 可进行日常运输业务管理及车辆调度方案优化, 实际应用效果良好。Abstract: By means of geographical information system, based on optimization theory, this paper studied the vehicle routing algorithm, the shortest route algorithm and routine management model, developed the vehicle optimizing scheduling system. The system integrated image manipulation and visual data technology, which can give the visual vehicle scheduling scheme and be used in daily transportation management with scientific management methods. An example indicates that the system is feasible.
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