摘要: 针对基于线控转向技术的四轮主动转向汽车, 利用滑模变结构控制策略, 以提高车辆在紧急避障和危险工况下运行的安全性。将实际车辆的前、后轮侧偏刚度及外部干扰视为有界的不确定性参数, 利用确定性线性车辆模型作为理想跟踪目标, 进行车辆主动转向的变结构控制器设计。人-车-路闭环系统仿真结果表明: 当轮胎侧偏刚度摄动或有外部侧风干扰时, 变结构控制的四轮主动转向汽车实现了转向零质心侧偏角和跟踪期望横摆率的控制目标, 其双移线仿真最终路径偏差分别为0m和0.05m, 被控车辆系统表现出了良好的路径跟踪性和在不确定影响下的鲁棒性, 车辆的操纵稳定性与主动安全性得到了提高。Abstract: In order to improve the safety of vehicle during emergency obstacle avoidance and critical state, sliding mode variable structure control strategy was studied for active four-wheel steering vehicle based on steer-by-wire technology. A variable structure controller was designed for active steering vehicle, the cornering stiffnesses of the front and rear tires and the outer disturbance of an actual vehicle were treated as uncertain parameters, but their variances were in limited ranges, and a certain linearity vehicle model with certain parameters was taken as an ideal following goal. Based on driver-vehicle-road closed loop system, simulation result indicates that four-wheel steering vehicle with variable structure controller can maintain near zero sideslip angle and desired yaw rate, and its path errors are only 0 m and 0.05 m after changing line. Obviously, the controlled vehicle system behaves favorable performance for following path and robustness for uncertainty, its handleability and active safety are improved.
表 1 车辆参数
Table 1. Vehicle parameters
m/kg Iz/(kg·m2) a/m b/m kf0/(N·rad-1) kr0/(N·rad-1) 1 359.8 1 992.5 1.062 8 1.485 2 52 480 88 416 -
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