摘要: 为了解决公路交通监控系统中大量使用的不同种类传感器和执行器的接口兼容问题, 基于传感器代理服务器思想和IEEE1451智能传感器接口标准, 设计了开放式的、即插即用的交通信息智能监控系统, 并结合IEEE1451.2和IEEE1451.4接口标准, 完成了系统智能前端, 包括数据采集器、智能传感器模块、网络接口电路及TEDS方案的设计与实现, 并开发了相应的应用程序, 通过标准USB2.0端口实现PC与数据采集器信息的实时通信。试验结果表明, 系统运行稳定, 实时性良好。Abstract: In order to solve the interface compatibility problem of various sensors and actuators used in traffic control system, an opening, plugging and playing intelligent traffic monitoring system was developed based on sensor agent server(SAS)theory and IEEE1451 intelligent sensor interface standards. With IEEE1451.2 and IEEE1451.4 interface standards, the intelligent front-parts of the monitoring system, including data acquisition system, smart sensor modules, network interface circuit and TEDS programme, were designed and implemented. An application programme was developed. The real-time data communication between PC and data acquisition system was completed via USB2.0 standard port. Experiment result shows that the system has better running stability and strong real-time performance.
Key words:
- traffic monitoring /
- sensor agent server /
- IEEE1451 /
- data acquisition system
表 1 压电传感器物理量表示方法
Table 1. Representation method of physical quantity for piezoelectric sensor
表 2 MS Access 2000数据表结构
Table 2. Data sheet structure of MS Access 2000
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