Technical framework of monitoring and evaluating highway water destruction based on remote sensing and GIS
摘要: 在分析公路水毁灾害监测对遥感数据要求的基础上, 利用ALOS卫星遥感影像建立滑坡与泥石流等水毁灾害信息自动提取模型, 结合遥感和GIS软件平台建立了公路水毁遥感自动评估系统与水毁监测和评估技术流程。以四川省北川县境内区域作为典型研究区, 进行“5.12”地震后公路水毁自动监测和评估分析, 将结果与利用更高分辨率遥感影像人工解译的分析结果进行对比。发现二者在水毁公路长度上相比, 误差不超过10%;空间分辨率在2~10 m、具有多光谱的遥感数据是进行山区超过400 m2以上规模公路水毁灾害研究比较适用的数据源。Abstract: A model that was used to automatically extract the information of landslide and debris flow from ALOS image was constructed based on the demand analysis of remote sensing image.An automatic system and a technical workflow were built to evaluate highway water destruction by combining remote sensing and GIS software.A typical area in Beichuan County of Sichuan Province was selected as the study area to automatically monitor and evaluate highway water destruction after "5.12" earthquake.The result of test was compared with the result from higher resolution satellite images through visual interpretation.The length error of water-ruined road from the two methods is less than 10%.The relatively applicable satellite resources are those images who are multi-spectrum and whose spatial resolution is between 2 m to 10 m for monitoring highway water destruction whose scale is over 400 m2.
Key words:
- road engineering /
- highway water destruction /
- monitoring /
- evaluating /
- remote sensing /
- information extraction
表 1 基于GIS的道路数据库结构
Table 1. Road database structure based on GIS
字段名 类型 长度 备注 ID Short Integer 6 编号 glmc Text 50 公路名称 glbh Text 8 公路编号 lmkd Float 6 路面宽度 ljkd Float 6 路基宽度 length Float 10 长度 gldj Text 10 公路等级(高速、一、二、三、四级、其他) glxz Text 10 公路性质(国、省、县、乡村) ljxz Text 20 路基性质(沙土路基与煤矸石路基) lmlx Text 20 路面类型(沥青混凝土、水泥混凝土……) bplx Text 30 边坡类型 fwnx Short Integer 3 服务年限 sjss Short Integer 3 设计时速 cds Short Integer 2 车道数 price Float 10 单位长度造价 -
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