摘要: 基于传统滑行路径和停机位等待的理念, 建立了多跑道机场停机位分配仿真模型, 在满足场面运行安全约束的条件下, 寻求滑行时间最小的分配方案。通过多跑道机场的地面网络数据、运行模式以及航班计划等信息, 利用计算机仿真对模型进行了算法设计, 并对场面的实时运行状况进行了停机位分配的仿真模拟。仿真结果表明: 该算法与随机分配算法相比, 多跑道机场的地面容量提高了4.6%, 冲突探测与解脱的次数降低了10.7%, 最大延误减小了34.8%, 因此, 机场场面的运行效率得到提高, 所提算法有效。Abstract: Based on the traditional ideas of taxiway routing and gate waiting, a simulation model was proposed for multi-runway airport gate assignment problem. With security constraints, the model minimized total taxiing time to find out optimal assignment. On the basis of multi-runway airport informations such as ground network data, operating mode and flight schedules, a gate assignment simulation algorithm was designed and applied to real-time surface operations. Simulation result shows that compared with random assignment algorithm, the ground capacity increases by 4.6%, the times of conflict detection and resolution decrease by 10.7%, and the maximal delay reduces by 34.8%. So the efficiency of airport surface traffic is improved, and the proposed algorithm is feasible.
Key words:
- airport schedule /
- gate assignment /
- computer simulation /
- multi-runway /
- ground capacity /
- flight delay
表 1 算法对模型的满足情况
Table 1. Contented cases of algorithm to model
停机位分配模型 满足模型条件的算法步骤 约束条件1 Step 5 约束条件2 Step 1、Step 2 约束条件3 Step 6 约束条件4 Step 7 约束条件5 Step 3、Step 10 约束条件6 Step 1、Step 5 最优目标函数 Step 8、Step 9 表 2 场面滑行间隔标准
Table 2. Separation requirement of aircraft taxiing m
前机 后机 重型 中型 轻型 重型 300 300 300 中型 200 200 200 轻型 100 100 100 表 3 部分航班计划
Table 3. Part of flight schedules
C/S TYPE REG DEPT ETD ETA DEST MARK CES2501 B733 B1209 ZHHH 0830 0955 ZSPD M CES2502 B733 B1209 ZSPD 1045 1230 ZHHH M CES2503 B733 B1211 ZHHH 1030 1210 ZSPD M CES2504 B733 B1211 ZSPD 1300 1445 ZHHH M CES2505 B738 B1213 ZHHH 1330 1450 ZSPD M CES2506 B738 B1213 ZSPD 1540 1715 ZHHH M CES2507 B733 B1215 ZHHH 1530 1705 ZSPD M CES2508 B733 B1215 ZSPD 1800 1945 ZHHH M CES251 A320 B1217 ZSPD 1200 1330 ZHHH M CES2513 B733 B1218 ZHHH 2030 2150 ZSPD M CES2515 B733 B1219 ZHHH 1830 2000 ZSPD M CES2516 B733 B1219 ZSPD 0825 0966 ZHHH M CES2518 B733 B1221 ZSPD 2100 2245 ZHHH M CES252 A320 B1222 ZSYT 1500 1630 ZSPD M CES2531 E145 B1223 ZHYC 1145 1320 ZSPD M CES2532 E145 B1223 ZSPD 1400 1545 ZHYC M CES271 A333 B1225 ZBAA 1350 1600 ZSPD H CES271 A333 B1225 ZSPD 1705 1930 RJAA H CES272 A333 B1227 RJAA 0930 1255 ZSPD H CES272 A333 B1227 ZSPD 1410 1640 ZBAA H CES291 A306 B1229 ZLXY 1510 1705 ZSPD H CES291 A306 B1229 ZSPD 1815 2010 RJGG H CES292 A306 B1231 RJGG 0800 1040 ZSPD H CES292 A306 B1231 ZSPD 1150 1410 ZLXY H CES293 A320 B1233 ZSPD 0915 1040 RJOA M CES294 A320 B1233 RJOA 1140 1340 ZSPD M CES501 A332 B1235 ZSPD 0800 1020 VHHH H CES502 A332 B1235 VHHH 1115 1335 ZSPD H CES503 A340 B1237 ZSPD 1115 1435 VHHH H CES5030 A306 B1238 VADD 0025 0555 ZSPD H -
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