Influence of axle-box positioning deviation on partial wear of locomotive wheel flange
摘要: 建立了2C0轴式机车动力学模型, 分析了轮对轴箱定位偏差, 仿真了各轮对轴箱定位偏差对同一转向架各轮对横向位移与偏转方向的影响。仿真结果表明: 第1轮对轴箱定位偏差对第1轮对横移量有较大的影响, 中间轮对与第3轮对轴箱定位偏差对中间轮对横移量有较大的影响, 2.4mm的轴箱定位偏差最大可引起6.0mm的轮对横移量。当任意2个轮对同时存在定位偏差时, 相比同相位偏差, 反相定位偏差影响更大, 更容易产生轮缘偏磨现象, 1.6mm的组合偏差可导致最大6.5mm的轮对横移量。通过控制轴箱定位偏差的大小, 可以有效改善轮缘偏磨现象。Abstract: The dynamics model of 2C0 locomotive was set up, wheelset axle-box positioning deviations were analyzed, and the influence of each wheelset axle-box positioning deviation on wheelset lateral displacement and wheelset deflection direction for the same bogie was simulated. Simulation result shows that the axle-box positioning deviation of the first wheelset has greater influence on its lateral displacement, the middle and third wheelset have greater influence on the lateral displacement of the middle wheelset, and the lateral displacement can reach 6.0 mm when the positioning deviation is 2.4 mm. When the deviations exist in any two wheelsets at the same time, the anti-phase positioning deviation has greater influence and more easily results in the partial wear of wheel flange than the same phase positioning deviation, and the lateral displacement can reach 6.5 mm when the combined axle-box positioning deviation is 1.6 mm. The partial wear can be effectively improved by adjusting the positioning deviation.
Key words:
- locomotive engineering /
- dynamics simulation /
- axle box /
- wheel flange /
- partial wear
表 1 机车轮缘磨耗量
Table 1. Wheel flange wears of locomotives
mm 车轮 机车1 机车2 机车3 机车4 左1 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 右1 0.5 0.9 0.7 1.2 左2 0.4 0.2 1.0 0.6 右2 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.8 左3 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.5 右3 0.6 1.3 0.3 1.5 表 2 机车参数
Table 2. Parameters of locomotive
轴重/t 23 轮对质量/kg 3 860 转向架质量/kg 7 000 电机质量/kg 2 800 车体质量/kg 84 000 车体质心距轨面高度/mm 2 100 x、y、z向轮对转动惯量/(kg·m2) 2.03×103/4.77×102/2.03×103 x、y、z向牵引电机转动惯量/(kg·m2) 3.36×102/3.47×102/3.15×102 x、y、z向转向架转动惯量/(kg·m2) 3.73×103/1.48×104/1.82×104 x、y、z向车体转动惯量/(kg·m2) 1.01×105/1.73×106/1.76×106 轴距/mm 2 250+2 000 转向架定距/mm 10 200 一系悬挂刚度(x、y、z向每轴箱)/(N·m-1) 1.0×107/3.0×106/1.7×106 二系高圆簧刚度(x、y、z向单个)/(N·m-1) 2.5×105/2.5×105/8.9×105 一系垂向减振器阻尼特性 V=0.10 m·s-1, F=5.1 kN V=0.30 m·s-1, F=10.0 kN 二系垂向减振器阻尼特性 V=0.10 m·s-1, F=12.0 kN V=0.30 m·s-1, F=22.0 kN V=0.05 m·s-1, F=5.0 kN 二系横向减振器阻尼特性 V=0.10 m·s-1, F=9.6 kN V=0.20 m·s-1, F=16.0 kN V=0.30 m·s-1, F=20.0 kN 轮径/mm 1 250 -
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