Influence of freezing speed on physical and mechanical properties of freezing-thawing loess
摘要: 将冻结速度分别设定为3.33、1.67、1.11、0.83℃·h-1, 在封闭条件下对不同含水率土样进行冻融循环, 测试了不同冻结速度时土样的含水率、干密度、液塑限、抗剪强度及压缩性, 分析了冻结速度对冻融黄土物理力学性质的影响规律。试验结果表明: 经过冻融循环后, 试样含水率普遍较初始含水率大, 随着冻结速度的增大, 含水率的增幅呈降低趋势; 当含水率较低时, 冻结速度对试样干密度影响较小, 当含水率较高时, 随着冻结速度的增大, 试样干密度降低; 土样液限随着冻结速度的增大呈增大趋势, 塑限无明显变化; 粘聚力随着冻结速度的增大总体呈增大趋势, 内摩擦角随冻结速度的变化规律与试样含水率密切相关; 冻融后黄土的压缩性较未冻结土样强, 且随着冻结速度的增大, 土样的压缩模量增大。Abstract: Freezing speed was set to 3.33, 1.67, 1.11, 0.83℃·h-1 respectively, and freezing-thawing cycles were conducted on soil samples with different water contents under closed condition.The water contents, dry densities, liquid-plastic limits, shear strengths and compressibilities of soil samples under different freezing speeds were tested, and the influence rules of freezing speed on the physical and mechanical properties of freezing-thawing loess were analyzed.Test result indicates that the water contents of soil samples after freezing-thawing cycle are larger than those of initial soils, and the growth of water content decreases with the increase of freezing speed.When water contents are lower, the influences of freezing speed on the dry densities of soil samples are less.When water contents are higher, the dry densities of soil samples decrease with the increase of freezing speed.The liquid limits of soil samples increase with the increase of freezing speed, and plastic limits change little.Cohesive force increases with the increase of freezing speed, and the change rule of internal friction angle with freezing speed is closely related with water content.The compressibility of soil sample after freezing-thawing cycle is higher than that of unfrozen soil, and compression modulus increases with the increase of freezing speed.
Key words:
- subgrade engineering /
- loess /
- freezing speed /
- dry density /
- liquid-plastic limit /
- cohesive force /
- internal friction angle
表 1 Q2黄土物理性质
Table 1. Physical properties of Q2loess
表 2 Q2黄土颗粒分析
Table 2. Particle analysis of Q2loess
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