摘要: 在考虑切削热影响的基础上, 采用数值模拟研究了切削式吸能过程的惯性效应, 计算了不同初始撞击条件下的稳定切削力、切削位移、最高温度、热耗散能量和热耗散能量比例。计算结果表明: 初始撞击能量为20 kJ时, 切屑生成时切削力未出现明显的初始峰值, 稳定切削力变化范围为63.0~63.8 kN, 变化规律相同, 变化趋势一致; 撞击质量为200 kg, 撞击速度变化范围为3~10 m·s-1时, 稳定切削力变化范围为63.0~64.4 kN; 撞击速度为10 m·s-1, 撞击质量由0.4 t增加至3.2 t时, 热耗散能量由4.12 kJ增加到36.64 kJ, 热耗散能量随撞击质量的增大而增大, 最高温度变化范围为586℃602℃, 热耗散能量比例变化范围为20.6%~23.2%, 稳定切削力的变化范围为63.0~64.1 kN。可见, 在切削深度和刀具几何参数不变的条件下, 初始撞击能量、撞击质量和撞击速度对切削力影响很小, 切削式吸能过程的惯性敏感性弱, 切削式吸能结构属于第Ⅰ类, 而且, 切削热占能量耗散比例大, 撞击速度对其影响程度大。Abstract: Based on considering the influence of cutting heat, the inertia effects of cutting energy absorption were studied by numerical simulation, and stable cutting force, cutting displacement, maximum temperature, heat dissipative energy and the dissipative proportion of thermal energy were computed under different initial impact conditions.Computation result shows when the initial impact energy is 20 kJ and there are no distinct initial cutting force peaks in chip formation, the stable cutting force ranges from 63.0 kN to 63.8 kN, and the changing rules and trends of cutting force curves are approximately same.When the impact mass is 200 kg and the impact velocity changes from 3 m·s-1 to 10 m·s-1, the stable cutting force ranges from 63.0 kN to 64.4 k N.When the impact velocity is 10 m·s-1 and the impact mass changes from 0.4 t to 3.2 t, the heat dissipative energy increases from 4.12 kJ to 36.64 kJ, the maximum temperature changes between 586 ℃ and 602 ℃, the dissipative proportion of thermal energy ranges from 20.6% to 23.2%, and the stable force ranges from 63.0 kN to 64.1 kN. Obviously, when the cutting depth and the geometrical parameters of cutting tool are defined, the initial impact energy, impact mass and impact velocity have little effect on the cutting force, the inertia effects of cutting energy-absorbing process are insensitive, and the cutting energy-absorbing structure belongs to type Ⅰ.The cutting heat accounts for a large proportion of energy dissipation and is greatly influenced by the initial impact velocity.
表 1 材料参数
Table 1. Material parameters
表 2 初始动能不变时的组合工况
Table 2. Combined conditions based on constantinitial kinetic energy
表 3 初始动能变化时的组合工况
Table 3. Combined conditions based on changinginitial kinetic energy
表 4 撞击质量不同时的组合工况
Table 4. Combined conditions based on changing impact mass
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