摘要: 基于国内外相关研究,梳理了近年来BIM技术在轨道车辆运维领域的研究现状,总结归纳了该领域的理论、技术及应用研究成果。研究结果表明:BIM技术在轨道车辆运维的应用研究框架包括理论、技术和应用3个层次;理论研究集中在车辆建模、数据库建立和运营、维护方面;技术研究集中在三维CAD、平台建设、数字化管理和车辆部件监测等领域;应用研究主要体现在列车的日常运营、维护和价值方面;由于相关研究起步较晚,已有成果还存在一些不足;在理论方面,轨道车辆的建模和数据库建立精细化程度不高,运维全生命周期整体性不足;在技术方面,模型共享、软件协同、信息管理及车辆监测等方面需进一步研究与完善;在应用方面,轨道车辆运维的可视化程度、成本管理及软件开发研究需要更加具体和专业化,细化到各个层面;未来的研究应加强BIM多专业之间的协同设计及数据的规范化,实现与新信息技术的融合,构建智能的综合性管理平台,实现BIM软件更深度的二次开发;将理论、技术与应用结合起来,构建完整的轨道车辆BIM运维体系,完善基于BIM的可视化管理系统,加强对轨道车辆运维中所有服务对象、数据、业务功能一体化管理,提高轨道车辆运维的效率,为轨道车辆运维提供研究基础和理论依据,确保轨道车辆的安全运行。Abstract: Based on the relevant research at home and abroad, the research status of building information modelling (BIM) technology in the field of rail vehicle operation and maintenance in recent years were summarized, and the theoretical, technical and applied research results in this field were summarized. Research results show that the application research framework of BIM technology in railway vehicle operation and maintenance includes three levels: theory, technology, and application. Theoretical research focuses on the vehicle modeling, database establishment, operation, and maintenance. Technical research concentrates on the three-dimensional CAD, platform construction, digital management, and vehicle component monitoring. Application research is mainly reflected in the daily operation, maintenance, and value of trains. However, there are some deficiencies in previous results, owing to the late start of related research. In terms of theory, the modeling and database establishment of railway vehicles are imprecise, and the integrity of the life cycle operation and maintenance is insufficient. In terms of technology, model sharing, software collaboration, information management, and vehicle monitoring require further investigation and improvement. For applications, researches on the visualization, cost management, and software development of railway vehicle operation and maintenance need to be specific, specialized, and refined to all levels. Collaborative design and data standardization among BIM multiple disciplines should be strengthened in future research. Integration with new information technology should be achieved, an intelligent and comprehensive management platform should be built, and a deep secondary development of BIM software will be realized. A complete BIM railway vehicle operation and maintenance system should be developed by combining the theory, technology, and application. The BIM-based visual management system should be improved.Moreover, the integrated management of all service objects, data, and business functions in railway vehicle operation and maintenance should be strengthened, and the efficiencies of railway vehicle operation and maintenance need to be improved. A research foundation and theoretical basis for the railway vehicle operation and maintenance are provided to ensure the safe operation of railway vehicles. 2 tabs, 16 figs, 76 refs.
Key words:
- traffic engineering /
- railway vehicle /
- BIM /
- operation and maintenance /
- safety equipment technology
表 1 BIM应用方向和内容总结
Table 1. BIM application direction and content summary
应用方面 主要内容 服务性 主要反映了乘客对乘车舒适性的反馈程度,包括车厢乘车率、客室噪声值、客室温度、客室空气质量等 效益性 反映了对于车辆维修成本的节约控制,主要包括列车牵引能耗、受电弓弓条磨耗率、轮径磨耗率等 效率性 是车辆故障后维修人员工作效率的直接体现,主要包括车辆可使用率、维修人员人车比率、工时利用率、故障平均修复时间、修程平均库停时间等 表 2 维修计划应用BIM后的主要优点
Table 2. Major advantages of maintenance planning after applying BIM
维修计划 应用BIM后的主要优点 预防性维修 对于轨道车辆的设备零件,可以将一系列设备零件的数据加载到相应的BIM三维模型中,通过三维可视化查询每个车辆设备的数据。然后通过选定不同的车辆设备构件,直接通知到相应的车辆设备维修人员,方便维修人员可以在相关系统上直接查询相关的车辆设备构件信息以及维修的基本信息,缩短了车辆设备维修的时间,还可以进行对维修信息的归档整理,方便下一次查询使用 预测性维修 可以快速确定维修计划,并通过评估数据库中的每个维修计划,分析指导设备未来的状态维修,并有助于优化状态性维修计划 -
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