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任青阳 靳红华 肖宋强 王飞飞 陈斌

任青阳, 靳红华, 肖宋强, 王飞飞, 陈斌. 模拟酸雨侵蚀环境下钢筋混凝土结构长期性能研究综述[J]. 交通运输工程学报, 2022, 22(5): 41-72. doi: 10.19818/j.cnki.1671-1637.2022.05.002
引用本文: 任青阳, 靳红华, 肖宋强, 王飞飞, 陈斌. 模拟酸雨侵蚀环境下钢筋混凝土结构长期性能研究综述[J]. 交通运输工程学报, 2022, 22(5): 41-72. doi: 10.19818/j.cnki.1671-1637.2022.05.002
REN Qing-yang, JIN Hong-hua, XIAO Song-qiang, WANG Fei-fei, CHEN Bin. Review on long-term performance of reinforced concrete structures under simulated acid rain erosion environments[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2022, 22(5): 41-72. doi: 10.19818/j.cnki.1671-1637.2022.05.002
Citation: REN Qing-yang, JIN Hong-hua, XIAO Song-qiang, WANG Fei-fei, CHEN Bin. Review on long-term performance of reinforced concrete structures under simulated acid rain erosion environments[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2022, 22(5): 41-72. doi: 10.19818/j.cnki.1671-1637.2022.05.002


doi: 10.19818/j.cnki.1671-1637.2022.05.002

国家自然科学基金项目 U20A20314

国家自然科学基金项目 41472262

重庆市自然科学基金项目 cstc2020jcyj-zdxmX0012

重庆市高校创新研究群体项目 CXQT19021

重庆英才计划 CQYC201903026

重庆交通大学研究生科研创新项目 CYB21210



  • 中图分类号: U448.34

Review on long-term performance of reinforced concrete structures under simulated acid rain erosion environments


National Natural Science Foundation of China U20A20314

National Natural Science Foundation of China 41472262

Natural Science Foundation of Chongqing cstc2020jcyj-zdxmX0012

Innovation Research Group Project of Universities in Chongqing CXQT19021

Chongqing Talents Plan CQYC201903026

Graduate Scientific Research Innovation Project of Chongqing Jiaotong University CYB21210

More Information
    Author Bio:

    REN Qing-yang (1975–), male, born in Nanyang, Henan, professor in Chongqing Jiaotong University, doctor of engineering. He is engaged in research on disaster prevention and mitigation in civil engineering. E-mail: qyren@cqjtu.edu.cn

  • 摘要: 为深化对酸雨侵蚀环境下钢筋混凝土结构长期性能演变机制的认识,论述了酸雨侵蚀作用下混凝土材料腐蚀机理、侵蚀模型和物理力学性能时变过程;分析了酸雨锈蚀钢筋的溶液腐蚀机理和大气动态冲刷机制,总结了锈蚀钢筋形貌表征与锈蚀率指标定量化研究成果,归纳了已有锈蚀钢筋力学性能退化模型和本构模型,概述了钢混界面黏结性能演变规律和黏结-滑移本构关系模型;梳理了梁、柱构件及结构静、动力学性能演变规律的室内试验结果、理论计算方法和数值仿真结果的最新研究进展与不足,并展望了未来的研究方向与重点。研究结果表明:酸雨腐蚀混凝土可归因于酸雨离子成分的交互作用,亟需适用性较强的理论模型以揭示腐蚀和扩散机制;室内加速试验揭示了酸雨侵蚀作用下混凝土物理力学性能时变规律,应完善室内加速试验制度,搭建耦合宏细观层次关键指标的混凝土损伤评价体系和预估模型;酸雨加速锈蚀钢筋试验多基于均匀锈蚀,钢筋腐蚀方法和形貌表征逐渐向不均匀锈蚀发展,应进一步发展高精度扫描技术,借助统计分析理论建立钢筋不均匀锈蚀特征参数,优化钢筋力学性能退化模型;通电锈蚀试验和拉拔试验演绎了钢混界面黏结性能演化规律,并建立了黏结-滑移本构关系,但忽略了实际钢筋混凝土结构的受力特点,且锈蚀过程显著区别于自然锈蚀,应考虑酸雨环境与材料特性复杂多变的特点,研究细微观钢混界面损伤行为,揭示酸雨环境、材料特性与黏结性能的内在关系;酸雨侵蚀钢筋混凝土结构时效性能研究多集中在试件层次,且采用腐蚀试验与承载力试验分阶段进行,忽略了荷载-环境的耦合作用,试验所设环境较为单一,试验制度与方法亦未统一,应对标实际工程,考虑实际结构承载和环境工况,搭建长期荷载-酸雨侵蚀耦合作用试验系统,探索荷载-环境-材料多场关联机制,完善理论计算方法与数值仿真手段,揭示结构长期性能演变过程,并推动现场暴露试验发展,量化室内-现场映射关系,指导工程实际。


  • 图  1  不同pH值下混凝土孔隙率变化曲线

    Figure  1.  Variation curves of concrete porosities under different pH values

    图  2  不同pH值下混凝土侵蚀深度变化曲线

    Figure  2.  Chang curves of erosion depths of concrete under different pH values

    图  3  不同侵蚀龄期下混凝土腐蚀层pH值变化曲线

    Figure  3.  Change curves of pH values of concrete corrosion layer under different corrosion ages

    图  4  不同pH值下混凝土的质量损失

    Figure  4.  Mass losses of concrete under different pH values

    图  5  不同pH值下混凝土相对抗压强度变化曲线

    Figure  5.  Change curves of relative compressive strengths of concrete under different pH values

    图  6  不同pH值下混凝土相对静力弹性模量变化曲线

    Figure  6.  Change curves of relative static elastic moduli of concrete under different pH values

    图  7  不同pH值下混凝土相对动弹性模量变化曲线

    Figure  7.  Change curves of relative dynamic elastic moduli of concrete under different pH values

    图  8  混凝土中性化深度和质量变化率随侵蚀龄期的变化

    Figure  8.  Variations of neutralization depth and mass change rate of concrete with respect to erosion age

    图  9  混凝土强度损失和相对动弹性模量随侵蚀龄期的变化

    Figure  9.  Variations of strength loss and relative dynamic elastic modulus of concrete with respect to erosion age

    图  10  酸雨侵蚀后混凝土本构模型

    Figure  10.  Constitutive model of concrete eoroded by acid rain

    图  11  钢筋在酸性环境中的腐蚀

    Figure  11.  Corrosion of reinforcement in acidic environments

    图  12  模拟酸雨试验结果

    Figure  12.  Experimental results of simulated acid rain

    图  13  锈蚀钢筋3D激光扫描模型

    Figure  13.  3D laser scanning models of corroded reinforcement

    图  14  均匀锈蚀与非均匀锈蚀钢筋轮廓对比

    Figure  14.  Comparison of reinforcement profiles between uniform corrosion and non-uniform corrosion

    图  15  ηaveηcrtR间关系

    Figure  15.  Relationships between ηave and ηcrt, R

    图  16  酸雨腐蚀下钢筋屈服强度退化系数与腐蚀率的关系

    Figure  16.  Relationship between yield strength degradation coefficient and corrosion rate of reinforcement under acid rain corrosion

    图  17  酸雨腐蚀下钢筋名义极限强度退化系数、弹性模量退化系数与腐蚀率的关系

    Figure  17.  Relationships between nominal ultimate strength degradation coefficient, elastic modulus degradation coefficient and corrosion rate of steel reinforcement under acid rain corrosion

    图  18  酸雨锈蚀钢筋本构关系曲线

    Figure  18.  Constitutive relationship curves of reinforcement corroded by acid rain

    图  19  黏结应力与锈蚀率、滑移量关系

    Figure  19.  Relationships between bond stress and corrosion rate, slip

    图  20  既有锈蚀钢筋黏结-滑移本构关系模型

    Figure  20.  Existing bond-slip constitutive models of corroded reinforcement

    图  21  极限荷载和极限弯矩随腐蚀龄期的变化

    Figure  21.  Variations of ultimate load and ultimate bending moment with corrosion age

    图  22  抗弯承载力随腐蚀率和预应力度的变化

    Figure  22.  Variations of flexural bearing capacity with corrosion rate and prestress degree

    图  23  方形钢管混凝土梁抗弯承载力随钢管腐蚀率变化

    Figure  23.  Variations of flexural bearing capacity of square concrete filled steel tubular beam with corrosion rate of steel tube

    图  24  圆形钢管混凝土梁抗弯承载力随钢管腐蚀率变化

    Figure  24.  Variations of flexural bearing capacity of circular concrete filled steel tubular beam with corrosion rate of steel tube

    图  25  钢筋混凝土柱极限承载力时变规律

    Figure  25.  Time-varying laws of ultimate bearing capacities of reinforced concrete columns

    图  26  圆形钢管混凝土柱极限轴压承载力参数影响规律

    Figure  26.  Influence laws of parameters on ultimate axial compression bearing capacity of circular concrete filled steel tubular column

    图  27  方形钢管混凝土柱极限轴压承载力参数影响规律

    Figure  27.  Influence laws of parameters on ultimate axial compression bearing capacity of square concrete filled steel tubular column

    图  28  钢管混凝土柱偏压极限承载力随钢管腐蚀率变化

    Figure  28.  Variations of eccentric compression ultimate bearing capacities of concrete filled steel tubular columns with corrosion rate of steel tube

    图  29  钢管混凝土柱偏压极限承载力随偏心距变化

    Figure  29.  Variations of eccentric compression ultimate bearing capacities of concrete filled steel tubular columns with eccentricity

    图  30  圆形钢管混凝土柱的抗震性能演变规律

    Figure  30.  Evolutions of seismic behaviors of circular concrete filled steel tubular columns

    图  31  方形钢管混凝土柱抗震性能演变规律

    Figure  31.  Evolutions of seismic behaviors of square concrete filled steel tubular columns

    表  1  酸蚀深度代表性模型

    Table  1.   Representative models of acid etching depth

    数据来源 溶液类型 模型
    [24] 硝酸 d=kcmtn
    [25] 硝酸 d=k(A+BW/C)ncmtn
    [26] 醋酸 Vc=η0ηtηth
    [27] 硫酸 $d = K'\sqrt {f/H} t\varphi (S/H)$
    [28] 碳酸 $d = \sqrt {\frac{{2D{A_{\rm{L}}}}}{{{m_{\rm{L}}}{A_{\rm{g}}}}}} \left( {c_{\rm{s}}^ * - {c_{\rm{L}}}} \right)\sqrt t $
    [29] 硫酸+硝酸 $d = At + B\sqrt t + E$
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  2  酸雨环境下钢筋锈蚀退化模型

    Table  2.   Reinforcement corrosion degradation models in acid rain environment

    文献来源 锈蚀率 ay au as
    [73] ηd 0.007 5 0.007 7 0.009 0
    [74] ηs 0.011 7 8.718×10-6
    [46] ηave 0.012 0
    [46] ηave 0.012 0
    [75] ηs 0.018 0 0.013 7
    [76] ηd 0.007 8 0.007 6 0.004 7
    [76] ηd 0.008 4 0.008 4 0.001 1
    下载: 导出CSV
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