Joint optimization model of tram departure plan and multi-modal and multi-path traffic green waves
摘要: 针对有轨电车通行效率低且与道路机动车协调性差的问题,提出了有轨电车发车计划与多模式多路径交通绿波联合优化模型;解析了有轨电车在交叉口启动信号优先控制的频率与交叉口信号控制方案、有轨电车发车间隔的关系,协调了交叉口信号周期和有轨电车发车间隔,降低了有轨电车优先控制频率;建立了多模式多路径信号协调控制模型,模型以道路机动车绿波带宽最大为优化目标,能够优化相位差、相序及机动车和有轨电车行程时间,形成道路机动车多路径分段绿波与有轨电车多路径绿波;通过算例对模型进行验证并与其他2种模型进行对比。研究结果表明:相较于Multiband改进模型和其他有轨电车时刻表与信号控制联合优化模型,本文提出的模型协调了信号周期与有轨电车发车间隔,分别减少有轨电车启动优先控制次数6、4次,显著降低了优先控制对道路机动车的影响;同时对交叉口信号控制方案进行优化,为有轨电车与道路机动车提供了多路径绿波,道路机动车绿波带宽不小于25 s,与其他2种模型相比,提出的模型平均速度分别提高29.36%、27.85%,平均延误降低42.24%、35.03%,平均旅行时间减少30.75%、28.02%;综合有轨电车优先控制对多模式交通网络运行效率的提高效果,本文提出的优化模型降低人均延误超过17.60%。Abstract: Addressing the issue of low traffic efficiency of trams and incoordination between trams and motor vehicles, a joint optimization model of tram departure plan and multi-modal and multi-path traffic green waves was proposed. The relationship between the frequency of signal priority control activation at intersections and traffic signal control schemes of trams and tram departure intervals was analyzed, and traffic signal cycles at intersections and tram departure intervals were coordinated to minimize the priority control frequency. A multi-modal and multi-path traffic signal coordinated control model was established with the optimization objective of maximizing the green wave bandwidth for road motor vehicles. Based on the model, the offsets, phase sequences, and travel times of road traffic and trams can be optimized, and the multi-path segmented green waves for road motor vehicles and multi-path green waves for trams can be generated as well. The model was verified by a case study and compared with other two models. Research results indicate that compared to the Multiband model and other time table and signal control joint optimization model, the proposed method coordinates the traffic signal cycles and tram departure intervals, and reduces the number of priority controls by 6 and 4, respectively, significantly reducing the impact of priority control on road motor vehicles. The model also optimizes the traffic signal control schemes and provides multi-path green waves for both trams and road motor vehicles, with the minimum bandwidth of motor vehicle green wave no less than 25 s. Compared to the other two models, the average speed of the proposed method improves by 29.36% and 27.85%, the average delay reduces by 42.24% and 35.03%, and the average total travel time reduces by 30.75% and 28.02%, respectively. Considering the improvement of multi-modal traffic network efficiency of tram priority control, the proposed model reduces the per capita delay by more than 17.60%.
Key words:
- tram /
- priority control /
- signal coordination /
- multi-modal and multi-path green wave /
- departure plan
表 1 机动车流量
Table 1. Traffic volumes of motor vehicles
veh·h-1 交叉口 北进口 南进口 西进口 东进口 左 直 右 左 直 右 左 直 右 左 直 右 S1 152 1 055 88 147 1 016 44 144 512 86 142 492 77 S2 148 1 104 96 153 1 052 32 148 496 45 146 487 16 S3 146 1 108 45 148 1 014 54 138 512 108 132 510 120 S4 139 1 087 86 148 1 014 162 148 882 132 244 756 109 S5 142 1 024 168 144 1 160 52 157 470 214 212 468 74 S6 25 536 41 16 522 32 246 1 052 76 137 988 58 表 2 初始交通信号控制方案
Table 2. Initial traffic signal control scheme
s 交叉口 周期 相位1 相位2 相位3 相位4 S1 105 南北直行46 南北左转13 东西直行22 东西左转12 S2 109 南北直行47 南北左转13 东西直行24 东西左转13 S3 119 南北直行54 南北左转14 东西直行25 东西左转14 S4 115 南北直行32 南北左转24 东西直行34 东西左转13 S5 114 南北直行47 南北左转13 东西直行22 东西左转20 S6 117 南北直行、左转26 东西直行44 东西左转20 行人过街18 表 3 交通信号控制方案优化结果
Table 3. Results of traffic signal control scheme optimization
s 交叉口 周期 相位差 相位1 相位2 相位3 相位4 S1 110 0
东西左转48 13 24 13 S2 110 45
东西左转48 13 24 13 S3 120 76
东西左转54 15 25 14 S4 120 35
南北左转34 14 35 25 S5 120 89
东西左转50 14 23 21 S6 120 108
行人过街21 45 27 18 表 4 绿波优化结果
Table 4. Results of green wave optimization
s 有轨电车线路/道路机动车路径 评价指标 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 有轨电车线路1 上行行程时间 106.54 130.12 151.72 180.80 下行行程时间 106.54 136.24 151.72 145.80 有轨电车线路2 上行行程时间 106.54 130.12 151.72 180.80 下行行程时间 106.54 130.27 151.72 145.80 道路机动车路径1 行程时间 45.30 72.40 53.68 绿波带宽 48.00 34.00 34.00 道路机动车路径2 行程时间 45.30 60.76 50.32 绿波带宽 28.60 34.00 34.00 道路机动车路径3 行程时间 45.30 42.24 37.17 绿波带宽 48.00 25.00 25.00 -
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