ZHU Tao, YIN Min-xuan, XU Jing-tao, WANG Chao, XIAO Shou-ne, YANG Guang-wu. Quasi-static force analysis and longitudinal load distribution law of heavy haul freight coupler[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2020, 20(5): 165-175. doi: 10.19818/j.cnki.1671-1637.2020.05.013
Citation: ZHU Tao, YIN Min-xuan, XU Jing-tao, WANG Chao, XIAO Shou-ne, YANG Guang-wu. Quasi-static force analysis and longitudinal load distribution law of heavy haul freight coupler[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2020, 20(5): 165-175. doi: 10.19818/j.cnki.1671-1637.2020.05.013

Quasi-static force analysis and longitudinal load distribution law of heavy haul freight coupler

doi: 10.19818/j.cnki.1671-1637.2020.05.013

National Natural Science Foundation of China 51675446

Sichuan Science and Technology Program 2019YJ2016

Independent Subject of State Key Laboratory of Traction Power 2017TPL-Z1

More Information
  • Author Bio:

    ZHU Tao(1984-), male, associate researcher, PhD, zhutao034@swjtu.cn

  • Received Date: 2020-05-19
  • Publish Date: 2020-10-25
  • To evaluate the change in the force state of a heavy haul freight coupler under the combined action of coupler clearance, gravity, and longitudinal traction force, a quasi-static force analysis for the coupler was carried out and the longitudinal load distribution law was studied. A strain test at the roots of the upper and lower traction flanges of the knuckle was designed. The relationship between the elastic stain of measuring points and traction force was obtained. The change trends of bearing degrees of the upper and lower traction flanges were analyzed. A detailed force analysis of coupler was carried out. An analytical solution of equivalent forces on the load transfer sites was derived. The boundary conditions of the simulation under different traction forces of coupler were obtained. A simulation analysis of coupler was carried out. The response curve of node strain with the traction force was obtained. Through comparison to the results of strain test, the reliabilities of analytical solution of the equivalent forces on the load transfer sites and simulation model were demonstrated. The influences of some key parameters on the relationship between the traction force and equivalent force were analyzed. The equivalent forces refer to the forces acting on the inner wrist surface and upper and lower traction flanges. Research result shows that the upper shocking platform is stressed when the traction force is smaller than 13.5 kN. The upper and lower traction flanges of the coupler are loaded simultaneously when the traction force is 13.5-1 725.0 kN. With the gradual increase in the traction force, the bearing ratio of lower traction flange gradually decreases and approaches 0.53, while the bearing ratio of upper traction flange increases and approaches 0.47. The bearing ratio is linear with respect to the system parameters. The acting position of equivalent force on the inner wrist surface of knuckle has a large influence on it. These results can be used as a basis for studying the fatigue crack initiation and propagation simulations of couplers and have a high guiding significance for the couplers' service safety.


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