Volume 21 Issue 1
Aug.  2021
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SHI Huai-long, LUO Ren, ZENG Jing. Review on domestic and foreign dynamics evaluation criteria of high-speed train[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2021, 21(1): 36-58. doi: 10.19818/j.cnki.1671-1637.2021.01.002
Citation: SHI Huai-long, LUO Ren, ZENG Jing. Review on domestic and foreign dynamics evaluation criteria of high-speed train[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2021, 21(1): 36-58. doi: 10.19818/j.cnki.1671-1637.2021.01.002

Review on domestic and foreign dynamics evaluation criteria of high-speed train

doi: 10.19818/j.cnki.1671-1637.2021.01.002

National Natural Science Foundation of China 51805451

National Natural Science Foundation of China U2034210

Sichuan Science and Technology Plan Project 2020YJ0074

Independent Subject of State Key Laboratory of Traction Power 2021TPL_T05

Independent Subject of State Key Laboratory of Traction Power 2019TPL_T15

More Information
  • Author Bio:

    SHI Huai-long(1986-), male, assistant professor, PhD, shi@swjtu.edu.cn

    ZENG Jing(1963-), male, professor, PhD, zeng@swjtu.edu.cn

  • Received Date: 2020-08-31
  • Publish Date: 2021-08-27
  • The evaluation content, evaluation method, evaluation index and limit value involved in the dynamics performance assessment criteria were reviewed for high-speed trains. The criteria analysis and their comparisons were carried out regarding of hunting motion stability, derailment safety and ride quality, including legal documents, industry standards and technical specifications, for instance, ISO series, UIC series, EN series, TSI series, FRA series, APTA series and GB series standards, etc. Deficiencies or suggestions for improvement were pointed out. Detailed comparison among representative dynamics criteria were carried out, including new and old versions of the national standard Specification for Dynamic Performance Assessment and Testing Verification of Rolling Stock (GB/T 5599), the International Railway Union Testing and Approval of Railway Vehicles from the Point of View of Their Dynamic Behaviour—Safety—Track Fatigue—Ride Quality (UIC 518), and the Russian Railway Multiple Units—Durability and Dynamics Requirements (GOST/R 55495), etc. Applications of the dynamic response and quasi-static performance evaluation criteria under ideal track excitations specified by the North American FRA series and APTA series were demonstrated. Analysis result shows that the hunting motion stability is evaluated by the lateral acceleration of frame, frame force or the wheel/rail force, while the suitable method should be selected for the numerical simulation, bench test and on-track test. Regarding the long-term service dynamics performance of high-speed trains in China, it is recommended to set the frequency bandwidth of filtering as 0.5-10.0 Hz, the amplitude limit as 8 m·s-2 below 7 Hz and 10 m·s-2 for 7-9 Hz, the continuous over-limit times as 10 times, 2 s or 100 m in case of the high-speed trains are operated at 400 km·h-1 and above. For the safety assessment of rail climbing derailment, the existing standards are based on the wheel/rail force and wheel lift for dynamic and static evaluations, but there are differences in the index limit, time duration or running distance of action. It is recommended to use the derailment coefficient and wheel unloading coefficient to form a joint evaluation method. The new version of GB/T 5599 deletes the overturning coefficient and wheel/rail lateral force indicators, relaxes the limit of wheel unloading coefficient, and remains the wheel/axle lateral force limit unchanged. The evaluation method of GOST/R 55495 does not distinguish the vehicle types, and uses the frame force instead of wheel/rail force to evaluate the operational safety. A same frequency weighting is used for the calculation of lateral and vertical ride quality index, and the weighting bandwidth as well as the amplitude of low frequency band are significantly larger than that of GB/T 5599. GOST/R 55495 does not grade the ride quality index. The operational safety index and ride quality index of CR400BF Fuxing high-speed train both meet the requirements of GB/T 5599 and GOST/R 55495. The North American criterion was employed to analyze the dynamic response of a 160 km·h-1 passenger car under ideal track excitations. Among the eight types of irregularities, the repeated surface irregularities and single surface irregularities are relatively harsh. Among the six evaluation indicators, the wheel unloading coefficient and the vertical acceleration of car body easily exceed the limits. 9 tabs, 22 figs, 67 refs.


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