Volume 22 Issue 1
Feb.  2022
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SHEN Gang, MAO Xin, MAO Wen-li, DONG Qiang-qiang, YIN Xiang-qin. Status and future trend of wheel/rail system[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2022, 22(1): 42-57. doi: 10.19818/j.cnki.1671-1637.2022.01.003
Citation: SHEN Gang, MAO Xin, MAO Wen-li, DONG Qiang-qiang, YIN Xiang-qin. Status and future trend of wheel/rail system[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2022, 22(1): 42-57. doi: 10.19818/j.cnki.1671-1637.2022.01.003

Status and future trend of wheel/rail system

doi: 10.19818/j.cnki.1671-1637.2022.01.003

Major Projects of China National Railway Corporation 2017G003-A

"12th Five Year Plan" National Science and Technology Support Plan Project 2015BAG19B02

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  • Author Bio:

    SHEN Gang(1963-), male, professor, PhD, elsg163@163.com

  • Received Date: 2021-10-10
  • Publish Date: 2022-02-25
  • The current engineering problems, present progress in research, and engineering treatment methods of existed traditional steel wheel rail type wheel/rail system were summarized. The formation and propagation mechanisms of rail corrugation and wheel out-of-roundness were analyzed, and innovative suggestions for addressing the tread hollow wear problems of high-speed trains were made. A personalized optimal strategy was formulated based on the systematic novel idea of obtaining safe and economical railway conditions through the profile design, wear evaluation, and wear control of wheel/rail system. For current rail grinding and wheel reprofiling, a summary and a discussion of future trends were presented. Based on a discussion of wheel/rail system detection methods, suggestions were made to avoid excessive detections, and the future development trend of wheel/rail system was predicted. Analysis results show that the mechanisms of rail corrugation and wheel out-of-roundness are both the coupling of parametric excitation and wheel/rail tangential wear of wheel/rail system. The wear on the hump zone is higher than that of the concave zone together with the coupling phase of variable normal force and tangential wear. In the case of the tread hollow wear of high-speed trains, the trouble seems to be caused by the inlaying wear on the very small wheelset/track interaction on the straight track with high speed and super large-radius curved track, which can be based on the copy-type wear of wheel and rail treads during the highly stable wheelset/track lateral movement. The cause of wheel flange wear of low-speed trains appears to be the flange guiding action together with the large lateral creep force on the radius of the sharp curved track. The hollow wear of the tread does not easily form. Various rail and turnout problems are usually related to the load bearing and impact. Its fatigue failure is mainly the low-frequency high-stress fatigue failures. With the increase in the running speed and axle load, the limitation of optimization on the wheel and rail side reaches its maximum. Thus, only through systematic optimization between wheel and rail can their potential be realized and the application value of the rail system be maintained. 7 tabs, 14 figs, 60 refs.


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