Volume 22 Issue 3
Jun.  2022
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WANG Run-min, ZHANG Xin-rui, ZHAO Xiang-mo, WU Xia, FAN Hai-jin. Vehicle-infrastructure cooperative control method of connected and signalized intersection in mixed traffic environment[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2022, 22(3): 139-151. doi: 10.19818/j.cnki.1671-1637.2022.03.011
Citation: WANG Run-min, ZHANG Xin-rui, ZHAO Xiang-mo, WU Xia, FAN Hai-jin. Vehicle-infrastructure cooperative control method of connected and signalized intersection in mixed traffic environment[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2022, 22(3): 139-151. doi: 10.19818/j.cnki.1671-1637.2022.03.011

Vehicle-infrastructure cooperative control method of connected and signalized intersection in mixed traffic environment

doi: 10.19818/j.cnki.1671-1637.2022.03.011

National Key Research and Development Program of China 2021YFB2501200

Key Research and Development Program of Shaanxi Province 2021LLRH-04-01-03

Postdoctoral Science Foundation of China 2022M710483

Natural Science Foundation of Shaanxi Province 2022JQ-663

More Information
  • Author Bio:

    WANG Run-min(1989-), male, senior engineer, doctoral student, rmw@chd.edu.cn

    ZHAO Xiang-mo(1966-), male, professor, PhD, xmzhao@chd.edu.cn

    WU Xia(1992-), female, assistant professor, PhD, wuxia@chd.edu.cn

  • Received Date: 2022-04-15
  • Publish Date: 2022-06-25
  • In order to improve the adaption of intelligent vehicle-infrastructure cooperative control methods around connected and signalized intersection to real traffic environment, a novel intelligent vehicle-infrastructure cooperative optimization control method was proposed under the traffic scene of eight-phase connected and signalized intersection mixed intelligent and connected vehicle (ICV) with connected and human-driven vehicle (CHV). Based on modeling the kinematic characteristics and car-following behavior of ICV in the mixed traffic scene, a mixed platoon was formed. A rolling optimization-based cooperative control method of traffic signal and ICV trajectory was proposed based on the platoon model, safety constraints, and fuel consumption model. The cooperative control problem was divided into two layers based on the idea of asynchronous hierarchical optimization, the upper layer was traffic signal timing optimization, and the lower layer was ICV trajectory optimization. Taking the travel time delay and fuel consumption of the vehicle at the intersection as the optimization objectives, the genetic algorithm and three-stage trajectory optimization method were used to solve the traffic signal timing optimization and ICV trajectory optimization, respectively. The stability of the mixed vehicle platoon was verified under different steady-state speeds and penetration rates of ICV. The control effect of the proposed control method and the influence of key parameters on the control effect were analyzed. Analysis results indicate that the proposed control method can effectively improve the traffic efficiency and fuel economy of the intersection under various traffic flows and penetration rates of ICV. In the total ICV environment, the indexes respectively improve by 57.3% and 13.3% when the proposed control method is compared with the method without optimization. Compared with the condition without penetration, with the increase of the penetration rate of ICV, the control efficiency of the proposed control method constantly improves, and the indexes respectively increase by 42.0% and 14.2%. Even if the penetration rate of ICV is only 20%, the proposed control method can also achieve 20.4% improvement in the term of traffic efficiency. The longer traffic signal cycle and the shorter driver reaction time of CHV can provide a benefit for the cooperative control effect. 2 tabs, 13 figs, 40 refs.


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