JIN Xue-song, WEN Ze-feng, WANG Kai-yun. Theoretical model and numerical method of rail corrugation[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2005, 5(2): 12-18.
Citation: JIN Xue-song, WEN Ze-feng, WANG Kai-yun. Theoretical model and numerical method of rail corrugation[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2005, 5(2): 12-18.

Theoretical model and numerical method of rail corrugation

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  • Author Bio:

    Jin Xue-song(1956-), male, professor, 86-28-87634355, xsjin@home.swjtu.edu.cn

  • Received Date: 2005-04-20
  • Publish Date: 2005-06-25
  • The theoretical models of rail corrugation were analyzed, a theoretical model and its numerical method for rail corrugation attributed to material wear were put forward. In the model, the non-Hertzian rolling contact theory of wheel and rail system, rail material wear model and coupling dynamics of rail vehicle and track in the vertical and lateral directions were combined, a passenger car and the structure under rails were replaced by the systems consisting of dampers, springs and equivalent mass bodies, and the Euler beam was utilized to model the rails accounting for bending and twisting deformations, Kalker's non-Hertzian rolling contact theory of three-dimensional elastic bodies was modified to calculate the creep forces and frictional work density on the contact patch of wheel and rail. It was assumed that the material loss unit area of the contact patch was proportional to the frictional work density that determines the wear depth of the rail running surface. The presented model and its numerical method were used to analyze two kinds of corrugation cases. The results show that the initiation and development of the corrugations caused by various track defects, such as track gap, scratch, dent, sleeper pitch and random geometry irregularities can be analysed, the evolution of initial corrugation on rail running surface caused by manufacturing and grinding can be simulated, they are feasible to protect the initiation and development of rail corrugation.


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