Peng Xiao-yun, Ye Wan-jun, She Xue-sen, Zhao Juan, Liu Zhao. Settlement prediction model of wettest-soft loess subgrade in ravine regions[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2007, 7(2): 70-75.
Citation: Peng Xiao-yun, Ye Wan-jun, She Xue-sen, Zhao Juan, Liu Zhao. Settlement prediction model of wettest-soft loess subgrade in ravine regions[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2007, 7(2): 70-75.

Settlement prediction model of wettest-soft loess subgrade in ravine regions

More Information
  • Author Bio:

    Peng Xiao-yun(1975-), female, lecturer, doctoral student, +86-29-84563471,

    She Xue-sen(1956-), male, PhD, professor, +86-29-82334839,

  • Received Date: 2006-12-01
  • Publish Date: 2007-04-25
  • In view of the randomness and uncertainty of effect factors in subgrade settlement prediction, a prediction model based on case-based reasoning integrated with neural network was presented.In the model, a model for indexing subgrade settlement cases with neural network was set up, the successful experiences of similar engineerings were analyzed, and a new kind of utility function to calculate the similarities of the cases were introduced.The similarity relationship among the settlement cases was established by training neural network, so that the most similar base case to settlement target case was found out.Settlement prediction result of wettest-soft loess subgrade in ravine regions shows that the absalute errors between predicted data and actual ones are less than 10%, and the model has high prediction precision.


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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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