Ge Zhe-sheng, Huang Xiao-ming, Zhang Xiao-ning, Gao Jun-he. Study actuality summary of backfilling materials behind abutments of highway bridge and culvert[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2007, 7(4): 67-73.
Citation: Ge Zhe-sheng, Huang Xiao-ming, Zhang Xiao-ning, Gao Jun-he. Study actuality summary of backfilling materials behind abutments of highway bridge and culvert[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2007, 7(4): 67-73.

Study actuality summary of backfilling materials behind abutments of highway bridge and culvert

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  • Author Bio:

    Ge Zhe-sheng (1974-), male, EngD, senior engineer, +86-755-83937327,

  • Received Date: 2006-12-29
  • Publish Date: 2007-08-25
  • In order to reduce backfilling diseases behind abutments of highway bridge and culvert, the study actualities of backfilling materials and technologies were summarized. Firstly, the main reasons of backfilling diseases were studied from the aspects of abutment construction differences, subsoil settlements and the compression distortions of backfilling materials. Secondly, general backfilling engineering measures and effects were analyzed, such as bridge end transition slab, subsoil treatment, lean concrete backfilling and back-digging, compact grouting and so on. Thirdly, the properties and effects of common backfilling materials were compared, such as lime-soil, sand gravel, neolian sand, argil fly-ash concrete, foamed concrete, geogrid and geosell reinforcement and EPS.Study result shows that local materials should be used in abutment backfilling engineering, existing backfilling materials should be improved and strengthened by new technologies, and it is suggested that the integrated applying technology of EPS interlayer and geogrid reinforcement should be studied, light-weight backfilling materials should be empoldered, so that the bridgehead-jumping disease is prevented, and highway using performance is improved.


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