JIANG Xin, LING Jian-ming. Numerical simulation of mechanical behavior for pile-column supported subgrade over soft ground[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2007, 7(6): 70-75.
Citation: JIANG Xin, LING Jian-ming. Numerical simulation of mechanical behavior for pile-column supported subgrade over soft ground[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2007, 7(6): 70-75.

Numerical simulation of mechanical behavior for pile-column supported subgrade over soft ground

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  • Author Bio:

    Jiang Xin(1976-), male, EngD, + 86-21-65981431, xjiang01@163.com

    Ling Jian-ming(1966-), male, EngD, professor, + 86-21-65981431, jmling01@yahoo.com.cn

  • Received Date: 2007-05-12
  • Publish Date: 2007-12-25
  • Based on FLAC(fast Lagrangian analysis of continua) of 2D explicit finite difference method, a numerical simulation model was established to investigate the mechanical behavior of pile-column-supported subgrade(PCSS) over soft ground.Pile, column and reinforcement geogrid were modeled by using pile elements and cable elements respectively, the surface settlement, ground lateral displacement, pore water pressure, stability of the subgrade were studied, the internal force distributions of pile, column and reinforcement geogrid were analyzed, the characteristics of PCSS and traditional subgrade were compared, and the influences of design parameters for pile, column, embankment, reinforcement geogrid and foundation on subgrade settlement and foundation lateral deformation were studied.Analysis result shows that compared with traditional subgrade, the ratios of the maximum surface settlement, differential settlement of subgrade, the maximum lateral deformation of foundation are 1.48%, 1.40% and 0.88% respectively, so the mechanical behavior of the subgrade is better.


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    通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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