YU Ren-jie, MA Rong-guo, HAN Hai, YAN Ying, WANG Jun-ling. Determination method of speed-limit sign position in expressway work zone[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2013, 13(5): 91-98.
Citation: YU Ren-jie, MA Rong-guo, HAN Hai, YAN Ying, WANG Jun-ling. Determination method of speed-limit sign position in expressway work zone[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2013, 13(5): 91-98.

Determination method of speed-limit sign position in expressway work zone

More Information
  • Author Bio:

    YU Ren-jie(1968-), male, doctoral student, +86-29-82334856, yrj@163.com

    MA Rong-guo(1955-), male, professor, PhD, +86-29-82334856, mrg@chd.edu.cn

  • Received Date: 2013-04-18
  • Publish Date: 2013-10-25
  • Based on the visibility and short-term memory of driver, the adaptability of driver and the controllability of vehicle under the influence of speed-limit sign were analyzed, and the front distance, post distance and repetitive distance of speed-limit sign in expressway constrution area were calculated. Based on the calculation model of length partition in expresswaywork zone, the influences such as vehicle queue length, the short-term memory of driver and repetitive distance were considered, the determintation method of speed-limit sign position in expressway work zone was proposed, and the example verification was carried out by using VISSIM simulation software. Simulation result shows that when the lowest speed-limit value is 40 km·h-1, the cart mix rate is 40% and traffic volume is 1 400 pcu·h-1, the minimum conflict rates of the first, second and third grade speed-limit signs are 0.06, 0.10 and 0.21 times·m-1, the maximum conflict rates are 0.56, 0.14 and 0.23 times·m-1. When traffic volume is 1 960 pcu·h-1, the minimum conflict rates of the three speed-limit signs are 0.84, 0.28 and 0.36 times·m-1, the maximum conflict rates of the three speed-limit signs are 0.87, 0.31 and 0.40 times·m-1. When traffic volume is 2 240 pcu·h-1, the minimum conflict rates of the three speed-limit signs are 0.72, 0.31 and 0.39 times·m-1, the maximum conflict rates of the three speed-limit signs are 0.74, 0.34 and 0.48 times·m-1.


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