ZHANG Yu-hui, ZHANG Xian-min. Test methods of airport pavement and subjacent foundation void[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2016, 16(6): 1-11.
Citation: ZHANG Yu-hui, ZHANG Xian-min. Test methods of airport pavement and subjacent foundation void[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2016, 16(6): 1-11.

Test methods of airport pavement and subjacent foundation void

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  • Author Bio:

    ZHANG Yu-hui(1984-), male, lecturer, PhD, +86-22-24092476, xueyingshuang@163.com

  • Received Date: 2016-07-01
  • Publish Date: 2016-12-25
  • The test results of heavy weight deflectometer(HWD), ground penetrating radar, surface wave and image were compared and analyzed contrastively, and the bottom voids of airport rigid pavement slab, foundation subsidence and void cavity deformation were identified.The spectrum characteristics at different void depths and positions were compared, the effectiveness and superiority of each pavement void test method based on stress wave and electromagnetic wave were studied, and the test accuracy was verified by field core-drilling test.Verification result indicates that the test data of traditional HWD are pavement surface displacements under load, and do not reflect the foundation subsidence and void deformation under pavement slab.The subsidence and void deformation in soil foundation can be reflected by surface wave test data, because the test depth is greater.The bottom void cavity under pavement slab can be determined by analyzing the properties of return wave from pavement slab bottom by using image test method.But the interval sampling is adopted by above three methods, field test is limited by the number of sampling points, which results in that the runway integrity representativeness of test data is insufficient, and the evaluation error from sampling interval can not be overcome.The continuous and large scale test with ground penetrating radar can beconducted, the test coverage is 100%, the coincidence rate of void between radar data and HWD data is 95%, and the test accuracy of void in hole bottom is 87.5% by core-drilling test with 8sample points.However, the quantitative analysis on void with radar is insufficient, surface wave test and image test are proved to be effective supplement and verification to pavement void testing and soil foundation cavity testing with radar.


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