DAI Cun-jie, LI Yin-zhen, MA Chang-xi, CHAI Huo. Optimization of departure frequency for bus rapid transit with multi-type vehicles under time-dependent demand[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2017, 17(1): 129-139.
Citation: DAI Cun-jie, LI Yin-zhen, MA Chang-xi, CHAI Huo. Optimization of departure frequency for bus rapid transit with multi-type vehicles under time-dependent demand[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2017, 17(1): 129-139.

Optimization of departure frequency for bus rapid transit with multi-type vehicles under time-dependent demand

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  • Author Bio:

    DAI Cun-jie(1982-), male, doctoral student, +86-931-4956214, daicunjie@mail.lzjtu.cn

    LI Yin-zhen(1963-), male, professor, PhD, +86-931-4956159, liyz01@mail.lzjtu.cn

  • Received Date: 2016-08-10
  • Publish Date: 2017-02-25
  • Taking the single bus rapid transit line in public transport network as the research object, the departure interval characteristics of bus rapid transit vehicles and time-dependent characteristics of passenger travel demand along the line were analyzed.With consideration of various types of buses working collaboratively, the minimum cumulative waiting time of all passengers and the maximum average load rate of vehicles were taken as the objectives, the minimum, maximum departure time intervals and the ratio of supply to demand for vehicle transport capacity were taken as the constraints, and an optimization model of departure frequency under the collaboratively working mode of bus rapid transit with multi-type vehicles was constructed.An improved non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm was used to solve the model.The bus rapid transit data in Lanzhou City was used to carry out case analysis.Analysis result shows that when the cumulative waiting times of passengers reach to the maximum, intermediate and minimum values, the optimized departure times reduce by 22.9%, 16.7% and 8.4%, respectively, compared to the actual departure times, and the corresponding average load rates of vehicles increase by 27.4%, 15.1% and 3.9%, respectively.Compared to the single type of bus rapid transit vehicle working independently, the average departure time of two types of bus rapid transit vehicles working collaboratively increases by 7.9%, and the average cumulative waiting time of passengers reduces by 23.8%.According to the time-dependent characteristics of passenger travel demand, the optimization of departure frequency with the reasonable arrangement for various types of bus rapid transit vehicles working collaboratively can reduce the waiting time of passengers effectively and increase the utilization efficiency of buses.


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