MENG Zhen-jiang, PENG Jian-bing, HUANG Qiang-bing, DENG Ya-hong, ZHAO Lin-hao, XING Yan. Influence of ground fissure activity on subway tunnel in third-kind surveying site[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2017, 17(2): 41-51.
Citation: MENG Zhen-jiang, PENG Jian-bing, HUANG Qiang-bing, DENG Ya-hong, ZHAO Lin-hao, XING Yan. Influence of ground fissure activity on subway tunnel in third-kind surveying site[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2017, 17(2): 41-51.

Influence of ground fissure activity on subway tunnel in third-kind surveying site

More Information
  • Author Bio:

    MENG Zhen-jiang(1984-), male, engineer, doctoral student, +86-29-82339238,

    PENG Jian-bing(1953-), male, professor, PhD, +86-29-82339012,

  • Received Date: 2016-11-25
  • Publish Date: 2017-04-25
  • The ground fissures of Xi'an third-class surveying site that metro tunnels pass through were taken as research prototype, their development characteristics were analyzed.The variation characteristics of stress fields, failure zones and displacement fields caused by the different dislocation amounts of ground fissures in third-class surveying site were studied by using numerical simulation method, and the influence areas of fissure activity were calculated.The failure characteristics of metro tunnel structure caused by fissure activity were analyzed, and thecorresponding engineering measures were proposed.Research result shows that the vertical stresses on both sides of ground layers present approximate anti-symmetric forms caused by ground fissure activity, and the mutative increments of stresses increase with the increase of hanging wall settlement.Based on comprehensively analyzing the variation characteristics of vertical stresses at the positions of vault and arch bottom of subway tunnel, the main influence ranges of hanging wall and footwall of ground fissure are 0-20 mand 0-15 m, respectively, which is consistent with the result of physical model test by contrasting verification.The footwall occurs shear failure near the ground fissure, the rupture spreads up gradually, a shear failure envelope line with 18°angle relative to the ground fissure forms, and the middle section is concentrated area of shear failure.The fissure activity leads to the displacement mutation of soils on its both sides, two deformation areas similar to active wedge forms, and expand gradually.The differential settlement amounts of metro tunnel on the hanging wall and footwall increase with the displacement increase of ground fissures.When the displacement of ground fissure is 20 cm, the deformation of integral metro tunnel is S-shape.In order to meet the large deformation caused by the activity of ground fissures in third-class surveying site, the special deformation gap-flexible joint treatment measure is proposed to fortify the structure of metro tunnel.


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