ZHU Zhi-wen, HUANG Yan, XIANG Ze. Vehicle loading spectrum and fatigue truck models of heavy cargo highway[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2017, 17(3): 13-24.
Citation: ZHU Zhi-wen, HUANG Yan, XIANG Ze. Vehicle loading spectrum and fatigue truck models of heavy cargo highway[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2017, 17(3): 13-24.

Vehicle loading spectrum and fatigue truck models of heavy cargo highway

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  • Author Bio:

    ZHU Zhiwen(1968-), male, professor, PhD, +86-731-88823649, zwzhu@hnu.edu.cn

  • Received Date: 2016-12-21
  • Publish Date: 2017-06-25
  • In order to research vehicle loading spectrum and fatigue truck models of heavy cargo highway, the multi-period traffic flow data based on a weight-in-motion system located on Pingsheng Bridge in Foshan were used to present 10 representative vehicle types. The wheelbases, masses, axle loads and overload data of representative vehicle types were analyzed, the distributions of vehicle types and axle loads on each lane were studied, and vehicle loading spectrum was proposed to evaluate the fatigue performance of steel bridge. The six-axle truck with the largest fatigue loading rate was taken as prototype, the fatigue truck model and simplified fatigue truck model of unidirectional heavy load lane of bridge were proposed based onthe equivalent rule of fatigue damage. Calculation result shows that Pingsheng Bridge presents the typical features of heavy cargo highway, the average daily traffic is 45 065 veh and 2.3 times as large as 20 000 veh in AASHTO LRFD. The proportion of fatigue vehicles is 51.6% in all traffic flow and 2.6 times as large as 20.0% in AASHTO LRFD. The proportion of trucks is 45.2% in all fatigue vehicles, they mainly distribute on heavy lanes, overload trucks accounts for 30%-70% of corresponding vehicle types, and the maximum mass of overload truck reaches 132.5 t. The overload rate of two-axle trucks is 29.0%, the equivalent mass is 17.5 t, and the equivalent mass of rear axle is 12.1 t, therefore, the fatigue loading effect of two-axle trucks should not be ignored. Compared with AASHTO LRFD's five-axle standard fatigue vehicle model (the front axle load is 2.6 t, and the single axle loads of mid and rear two-axle group are 5.4 t) and the simplified fatigue vehicle model (the front axle load is 2.6 t, and the mid axle load and rear axle load are 10.8 t), the total mass of six-axle unidirectional fatigue truck model proposed in this paper is 33.1 t, the front axle load is 3.6 t, and the single axle loads of mid two-axle group and rear three-axle group are 5.9 t. The front axle load of simplified one-direction fatigue truck model is 3.6 t, the mid axle load is 11.8 t, and the rear axle load is 17.7 t. The total mass of six-axle fatigue truck model proposed for the heavy lanes reaches 36.5 t, the front axle load is 4.0 t, and each axle load of conjoint-axle is 6.5 t. The front axle load of simplified fatigue vehicle model for the heavy lanes is 4.0 t, the mid load is 13.0 t, and the rear axle load is 19.5 t.


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