YANG Lu-feng, JIE Wei-wei, ZHENG Jian, ZHANG Wei. Linear-elastic analysis method of ultimate bearing capacity of dumbbell-shaped CFST arch rib[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2017, 17(3): 25-35.
Citation: YANG Lu-feng, JIE Wei-wei, ZHENG Jian, ZHANG Wei. Linear-elastic analysis method of ultimate bearing capacity of dumbbell-shaped CFST arch rib[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2017, 17(3): 25-35.

Linear-elastic analysis method of ultimate bearing capacity of dumbbell-shaped CFST arch rib

More Information
  • Author Bio:

    YANG Lu-feng(1966-), male, professor, PhD, +86-771-2366109, lfyang@gxu.edu.c

    ZHANG Wei(1977-), male, professor, PhD, +86-771-3235070, zh.ei@163.com

  • Received Date: 2016-12-23
  • Publish Date: 2017-06-25
  • In order to improve the computational efficiency of ultimate bearing capacity of dumbbell-shaped CFST (concrete filled steel tube) arch rib, a high-efficiency self-adaptive elastic modulus reduction method (EMRM) was proposed to analyze the ultimate bearing capacity. Based on the continuity conditions and the plastic bearing property of section, the correlation equations of compressing-bending capacity of dumbbell-shaped component for CFST were established, and the corresponding homogeneous generalized yield function (HGYF) wasdetermined by means of regression analysis. A linear-elastic finite element iterative model of arch rib was developed by using simplex beam element with combined material parameters, and the elastic modulus of highly loaded element was reduced through self-adaption to simulate the structural stiffness damage in the loading process, so as to confirm the ultimate bearing capacity of arch rib. The proposed method was compared with model test, non-linear finite element method and equivalent beam-column method. Calculation result shows that the calculation result of HGYF is stable and reliable, and the impact of initial loads on the calculation result of traditional generalized yield function is overcomed. The proposed method has higher accuracy and efficiency than the nonlinear finite element method, the stable ultimate bearing capacity is obtained by only small amount of discretized meshes and iteration steps, the relative error is less than 3% compared with test result data, and the computation time is less than 16 s. Compared with the circular section arch rib, the dumbbell-shaped CFST arch rib has better bearing property, and the main influence factors are rise-span ratio, steel ratio and loading condition. The increasing speed of ultimate bearing capacity reduces with the increase of rise-span ratio. With the increase of steel ratio, the ultimate bearing capacity increases almost linearly. The larger the ratio of concentrated load to uniform load is, the less its influence on the bearing capacity is. The axial force and bending moment are the governing internal forces of arch rib, while the bending moment becomes more significant with the increase of rise-span ratio.


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