ZHU Wen-liang, WU Meng-ling, TIAN Chun, ZUO Jian-yong. Integrated simulation platform of braking system of rolling stock based on multi-discipline collaborative analysis[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2017, 17(3): 99-110.
Citation: ZHU Wen-liang, WU Meng-ling, TIAN Chun, ZUO Jian-yong. Integrated simulation platform of braking system of rolling stock based on multi-discipline collaborative analysis[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2017, 17(3): 99-110.

Integrated simulation platform of braking system of rolling stock based on multi-discipline collaborative analysis

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  • Author Bio:

    ZHU Wen-liang(1980-), male, doctoral student, +86-21-69582151, zhu_wenliang@126.com

    WU Meng-ling(1959-), male, professor, PhD, +86-21-69582151, wuml_sh@163.com

  • Received Date: 2017-02-05
  • Publish Date: 2017-06-25
  • On the basis of the working principle of electro-pneumatic brake, the braking system of rolling stock was taken as research object, one motor car and one trailer were taken as a control unit, and the control subsystem model, air brake subsystem model, electric braking subsystem model and braking executing subsystem model were built based on multi-discipline collaborative analysis. By the correlation parameters of the subsystems, a co-simulation platform was established. The operating condition of full service braking was simulated under the failure of electric braking according to the actual parameters of second phase of Guangfo Metro, and the idling braking time, braking time, braking distance, braking deceleration, instantaneous speed, mean deceleration, longitudinal jerk, coupler force, adhesion utilization and braking cylinderpressure were calculated. The simulation and test results were compared to verify the feasibility and validity of the platform. Simulation and test results show that the braking decelerations of train in simulation and test are about 1.25 m·s-2 after braking process is steady, the mean braking deceleration in simulation is about 1.05 m·s-2, the decelerate in test is about 1.09 m·s-2, all of them meet the requirement that the mean braking deceleration of full service braking is more than 1.0 m·s-2, and the simulation error is lesser. In full service braking, the adhesion utilizations are different under the equivalent wear braking force distribution strategy, it is 0.13 for motor car and 0.12 for tailor, but both of them are less than the adhesion limited 0.16. Although the qualities of motor car and trailer car are different, the pressures of braking cylinders in full service braking are same under the equivalent wear strategy, and the value is about 420 kPa. In summary, the multi-discipline collaborative analysis and co-simulation platform are effective in modelling and analyzing the braking system of rolling stock, and are theoretical basis to research and develop braking system.


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