DU Jian, ZHAO Xu, JI Ming-jun. Planning model of feeder shipping network for container liners under considering shipper perference[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2017, 17(3): 131-140.
Citation: DU Jian, ZHAO Xu, JI Ming-jun. Planning model of feeder shipping network for container liners under considering shipper perference[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2017, 17(3): 131-140.

Planning model of feeder shipping network for container liners under considering shipper perference

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  • Author Bio:

    DU Jian(1991-), male, doctoral student, +86-411-84729330, 18941132102@163.com

    ZHAO Xu(1967-), female, professor, PhD, +86-411-84729330, zhao_xu@126.com

  • Received Date: 2016-11-27
  • Publish Date: 2017-06-25
  • To increase the freight demand of feeder shipping network for container liners, a planning model of the network under considering shipper preference was proposed. In the model, the constraints were permitted capacity limit, route operation subsidy and hub-and-spoke cooperation, and the decision variables were route network structure, ship capacity and service frequency. To evaluate the attraction of planning network to shippers with different preferences, the selection proportions of shippers between planning network and existing network were calculated by Logit model after the shipping time and freight of containers were gotten. To solve the model effectively, an intelligent heuristic algorithm was designed, the voyage time, voyage cost, freight per container and freight demand were calculated in the evaluation process ofplanning scheme, and the affiliated ports and sequence of routes were adjusted in the improvement process of planning scheme. The Dalian Port was taken as main port, the 12 ports in Bohai Gulf were taken as feeder ports, and the feeder shipping network for container liners was planned. Calculation result shows that 7 routes are planned among 12 feeder ports. There are 5 208 TEU containers in market, and the freight demand of planned shipping network is 4 420 TEU. The selection proportion of shippers for planning shipping network reaches 85%. When shipper preference is shipping time or cost, the selection proportion of planning shipping network at every feeder port exceeds 60%. Therefore, the planning model of feeder shipping network for container lines under considering shipper preference is effective. The direct routes contribute to attract the shippers with time preference. The multi-anchored routes and higher operation subsidy contribute to attract the shippers with cost preference. Replacing time-window constraint with shipper selection process can improve the optimization effect of the model.


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