MA Xi-lun, CHEN Bao-chun, YANG Yan, HUANG Qing-wei, SU Jia-zhan, WU Qian-wen, SHEN Xiu-jiang. Calculation method of shear bearing capacity of R-UHPC beam[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2017, 17(5): 16-26.
Citation: MA Xi-lun, CHEN Bao-chun, YANG Yan, HUANG Qing-wei, SU Jia-zhan, WU Qian-wen, SHEN Xiu-jiang. Calculation method of shear bearing capacity of R-UHPC beam[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2017, 17(5): 16-26.

Calculation method of shear bearing capacity of R-UHPC beam

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  • Author Bio:

    MA Xi-lun(1984-), male, doctoral student,

    CHEN Bao-chun(1958-), male, professor, PhD,

  • Received Date: 2017-06-17
  • Publish Date: 2017-10-25
  • A lot of test data of shear bearing capacity concerning reinforced ultra-high performance concrete (R-UHPC) beams were collected, existing calculation methods of shear bearing capacity were analyzed, and the shear bearing mechanism of R-UHPC beam was studied.The tensile strength of UHPC was considered, a calculation method of shear bearing capacity for R-UHPC beam based on truss-arch model was presented, and the calculated result and test result of shearbearing capacity were compared.Comparison result indicates that in the calculation methods at present, based on statistical analysis method, the average ratio of the calculation values to the test values of shear bearing capacity is 0.92, its standard deviation, correlation coefficient and reliability coefficient are 0.23, 0.78 and 0.877, respectively, and the computation accuracy is not high due to the limitation of regression data.For the calculation methods based on the general truss model, the average ratio of the calculation values to the test values of shear bearing capacity with AFGC in French UHPC is 0.90, its standard deviation, correlation coefficient and reliability coefficient are 0.18, 0.80 and 0.891, respectively, and the computation accuracy is higher than the accuracies of Japan UHPC's JSCE and Swiss SIA. When the effect of longitudinal reinforcement is considered based on AFGC, the average ratio of the calculation values to the test values of shear bearing capacity is 0.93, its standard deviation, correlation coefficient and reliability coefficient are 0.23, 0.75 and 0.858, respectively, and the result has larger discreteness than the result of AFGC.For the calculation methods based on the truss-arch model, the average ratio of the calculation values to the test values of shear bearing capacity is 0.76, and its standard deviation, correlation coefficient and reliability coefficient are 0.26, 0.62 and 0.768, respectively.Because the computation methods of shear bearing capacity of reinforced (common) concrete beam are straightly applied and the tensile strength of UHPC is neglected, the result is conservative and most unreliable.For the proposed calculation method of shear bearing capacity, the average ratio of the calculation values to the test values of shear bearing capacity is 0.94, and its standard deviation, correlation coefficient and reliability coefficient are 0.21, 0.80 and 0.885, respectively.Compared with the calculation methods at present, the proposed method has higher precision and less discreteness.


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