YAN Sheng-yu, XIAO Run-mou, LI Teng-fei, DENG Qun. Calculation method of fuel consumption on CNG bus[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2017, 17(6): 56-63.
Citation: YAN Sheng-yu, XIAO Run-mou, LI Teng-fei, DENG Qun. Calculation method of fuel consumption on CNG bus[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2017, 17(6): 56-63.

Calculation method of fuel consumption on CNG bus

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  • Author Bio:

    YAN Sheng-yu(1987-), male, lecturer, PhD, leo9574@163.com

  • Received Date: 2017-08-11
  • Publish Date: 2017-12-25
  • The test parameters of fuel consumption of CNG bus were analyzed, and the suitable installation location of CNG flowmeter was determinated.Based on a fixed pressure range of CNG at installation location, the influence of driving energy saving technology level and passenger number was considered, and a calculation method of CNG mass flow was put forward.Field test was carried out to verify the nonlinear relationship among the mass flow, temperature and pressure of CNG, in addition, the relationship among the mass flow, the ambient temperature and the outlet pressure of cylinder.Based on the operational test, the difference of CNG mass flows before and after correction was analyzed, and the feasibility of testing method was verified.Research result shows that because of the limit of tested CNG pressure, the unique position ofCNG flowmeter is fixed between the outlet of pressure reducing valve and hypobaric gas filter, and CNG pressure decompresses to 0.80-0.95 MPa by pressure reducing valve.In the process of modifying operation test result, the driving energy saving technology level has greatest impact on the final test result of CNG mass flow, and the maximum tolerance may reach 4%.87.6% of the relative values for the driving factor are between 0.9 and 1.1, which reflects lower dispersion.When the rising speed of ambient temperature is between 4.0 ℃ ·h-1 and 4.3 ℃ ·h-1, the variance ratio of CNG temperature ranges from-0.61 ℃·h-1 to 0.61 ℃·h-1, which verifies that the CNG temperature is insensitive to the ambient temperature.Precisely speaking, there is no necessary connection between CNG pressure and cylinder outlet pressure, and the decrease of cylinder outlet pressure does not interfere with CNG mass flow.Under the CNG pressure of0.80-0.95 MPa, the CNG equivalent density at the testing position is stable at 6.1 kg·m-3.After continuous testing about 30 km, the deviations are less than 5% between the test result and computation result of CNG mass flow.After modifying CNG mass flow, the variations of CNG mass flows of 3 buses are 1.88%, -4.04% and 1.71%, respectively, so CNG mass flow can be used to accurately compute CNG consumption.


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