YUAN Zhen-zhou, YAN Xin-xin, ZHANG Ye, WANG Jia-dong. DEA model of land use and traffic coordination for regulatory detailed planning unit with preference constraints[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2017, 17(6): 86-96.
Citation: YUAN Zhen-zhou, YAN Xin-xin, ZHANG Ye, WANG Jia-dong. DEA model of land use and traffic coordination for regulatory detailed planning unit with preference constraints[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2017, 17(6): 86-96.

DEA model of land use and traffic coordination for regulatory detailed planning unit with preference constraints

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  • Author Bio:

    YUANZhen-zhou(1966-), male, professor, PhD, zzyuan@bjtu.edu.cn

  • Received Date: 2017-06-02
  • Publish Date: 2017-12-25
  • To quantitatively evaluate the coordination degree of traffic and land use in urban regulatory detailed planning stage, the mutual mechanism of land use and traffic coordination for urban regulatory detailed planning unit was analyzed.It was pointed out that the traditional data envelopment analysis (DEA) makes an undifferentiated treatment between input indexes and output indexes, which was not consistent with actual situation.In view of the characteristics of regulatory detailed planning unit and actual control demand, the index system of land use and traffic coordination was established. According to the constraint cone theory based on mathematical programming, using the aid of analytic hierarchy process (AHP), the constraint cone model responsing land index and traffic index preferences was constructed.The objective analysis of data envelopment evaluation was combined with the subjective judgment of analytichierarchy process.The mutual coordination degree of land use and traffic system in the cases of input and output was determined by using membership degree function.Therefore, the mutual coordination effects of the different planning schemes for the traffic and land use of regulatory detailed planning unit were quantitatively evaluated.Based on the No.3 management unit of Nanhu in Handan City, 22 external traffic zones and 68 internal traffic zones were set up.4 types of land use indicators and 9 types of urban traffic indicators were predicted.The preference constraints of the input index and output index of proposed model were calculated.Analysis result shows that the proposed model overcomes the limitation of too dependent on subjective intention in AHP, and makes up for the deficiency of ignoring the decision preference in DEA.The deviation between the results of land use and traffic coordination analysis and the actual situation reduces.The mutual coordination degrees of 6 blocks calculated by the original model are all more than 0.80, all of which are coordinated.After improvement, the mutual coordination degrees of 4 blocks are 0.32-0.57, all of which are incongruous.The mutual coordination degrees of the other 2 blocks are over 0.80, which is more consistent with the actual situation.


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