摘要: 以安新高速改扩建拼接试验段为工程背景, 采用土工离心模型试验, 对新老路基拼接时以土工格室为主的多种土工合成材料加筋方案进行预测与对比, 分析了拓宽高速公路老路基固结沉降和新老路基拼接后表面沉降的变化规律。试验结果表明: 对新老路基, 填筑期的路基沉降在半年内总沉降中均占相当大的比例, 在70%以上; 加筋后路基的沉降小于不加筋路基, 且各方案的路基顶面最大和最小沉降均分别发生在新路基路肩边缘和老路基中心; 由于地质条件良好, 总体沉降并不大, 各加筋方案之间的沉降无明显差异, 均保持在较小水平, 最小和最大沉降分别为1.67 cm与3.33 cm, 最大差异沉降为1.66 cm。可见, 加筋能均衡路基的不均匀沉降, 并在一定程度上减小地基的总沉降。Abstract: Anxin widening expressway was taken as engineering background, centrifugal model test was applied, several geosynthetics material reinforcement proposals dominated by using geocell were forecasted and contrasted, and the settlements of old subgrade and widening subgrade were analyzed. Test result shows that the settlements during construction account for quite great proportion in half a year for old and new subgrades, above 70%. The settlement of reinforced subgrade is smaller than that of unreinforced subgrade, and the biggest and smallest settlements of various plans occur at the edge of new shoulder and the center of old subgrade. Because of good geology condition, the overall settlement is not certainly big, and there are no obvious differences of settlements among reinforced plans, maintaining at very small level. The smallest and biggest subsidence values are 1.67 cm and 3.33 cm respectively, and the biggest unequal settlement is 1.66 cm. Obviously, reinforce can balance the differentia settlement of subgrade, and reduce total ground settlement to a certain degree.
Key words:
- subgrade engineering /
- widening subgrade /
- centrifugal model test /
- settlement /
- reinforce
表 1 土工离心机主要性能指标
Table 1. Major performance indices of geotechnical centrifuge
离心机最大容量 60 gt 稳定度 ±0.1% FS 最大载荷(模型箱+模型) 加速度为100g时, 加载质量为600 kg; 加速度为200g时, 加载质量为300 kg 有效半径/m 2.0(离心机旋转中心至工作吊篮底板) 加速度范围/g 10~200 小模型箱尺寸 500 mm×360 mm×400 mm 大模型箱尺寸 700 mm×360 mm×500 mm 表 2 试验设计
Table 2. Test design
方案 试验设计 1 模拟老路基的填筑施工过程 2 模拟新路基的填筑施工过程(无加筋, 对老路基不削坡与不挖台阶) 3 模拟新路基的填筑施工过程(2层加筋: 基底和路床底部分别铺1层土工格室) 4 模拟新路基的填筑施工过程(3层加筋: 基底、中间台阶和路床底部分别铺1层土工格室) 5 模拟新路基的填筑施工过程(3层加筋: 基底和中间台阶铺土工格室, 路床底部铺1层土工格栅) 6 模拟新路基的填筑施工过程(3层加筋: 基底和中间台阶铺土工格室, 路床底部铺1层土工布) 表 3 模型用土的主要物理性质
Table 3. Main physico-mechanical parameters of model soil
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