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娄平 曾庆元

娄平, 曾庆元. 移动荷载作用下连续粘弹性基础支承无限长梁的有限元分析[J]. 交通运输工程学报, 2003, 3(2): 1-6.
引用本文: 娄平, 曾庆元. 移动荷载作用下连续粘弹性基础支承无限长梁的有限元分析[J]. 交通运输工程学报, 2003, 3(2): 1-6.
LOU Ping, CENG Qing-yuan. Finite element analysis of infinitely long beam resting on continuous viscoelastic foundation subjected to moving loads[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2003, 3(2): 1-6.
Citation: LOU Ping, CENG Qing-yuan. Finite element analysis of infinitely long beam resting on continuous viscoelastic foundation subjected to moving loads[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2003, 3(2): 1-6.



国家自然科学基金项目 50078006

铁道部科技研究开发计划项目 2001G029

教育部博士点基金项目 20010533004


    娄平(1968-), 男, 湖南浏阳人, 讲师, 博士生, 从事列车轨道(桥梁)振动, 结构可靠度研究

  • 中图分类号: U211.4;TB122

Finite element analysis of infinitely long beam resting on continuous viscoelastic foundation subjected to moving loads

More Information
  • 摘要: 把无限长梁、连续粘弹性基础和移动荷载视为一个系统, 并将该系统进行有限单元离散, 梁单元的弯曲形函数采用Hermitian三次方插值函数, 利用弹性系统动力学总势能不变值原理, 得到单元的刚度矩阵、质量矩阵、阻尼矩阵和节点荷载列阵, 建立该系统的振动方程组; 再用Wilsonθ法求解该振动方程组, 得到梁中点的位移时程曲线。举例分析了基础的粘弹性特性和梁的抗弯刚度对梁动力响应的影响。计算结果表明: 增大基础的弹性系数、阻尼系数和梁的抗弯刚度都有利于减小梁的动力响应。


  • 图  1  连续粘弹性基础支承无限长梁模型

    Figure  1.  Model of infinitely long beam resting on continuous viscoelastic foundation

    图  2  梁单元的节点力和节点位移

    Figure  2.  Nodal force and nodal displacement of beam element

    图  3  t时刻集中荷载P在梁单元上的位置

    Figure  3.  Position of concentrated load P on beam element at t time

    图  4  用Wilson θ法求解振动方程组(1) 的流程

    Figure  4.  Flowchart for solving vibration equations (1) using Wilson θ method

    图  5  单个移动荷载作用下长梁中点的位移时程曲线(无阻尼)

    Figure  5.  Displacement time history of the long beam at mid-point subjected to a moving load (without damping)

    图  6  单个移动荷载作用下长梁中点的位移时程曲线(有阻尼)

    Figure  6.  Displacement time history of the long beam at mid-point subjected to a moving load (with damping)

    图  7  三个移动荷载作用下长梁中点的位移时程曲线(无阻尼)

    Figure  7.  Displacement time history of the long beam at mid-point subjected to three moving loads (without damping)

    图  8  三个移动荷载作用下长梁中点的位移时程曲线(有阻尼)

    Figure  8.  Displacement time history of the long beam at mid-point subjected to three moving loads (with damping)

    表  1  长梁中点在移动荷载作用下的最大竖向位移

    Table  1.   Maximum displacement of long beam at mid-point subjected to moving loads

    梁及基础参数 单个荷载P=112800 N作用下长梁中点最大竖向位移/m 三个荷载P1P2P2P3之间距离为1.8 m, P1=P2=P3=112800N作用下长梁中点最大竖向位移/m
    50型钢轨I=2.037×10-5 m4 ks=8×107 N/m2 c=0 1.1215×10-3 1.2279×10-3
    c=1.3×105 Ns/m2 1.0223×10-3 1.0074×10-3
    ks=1.6×108 N/m2 c=0 6.8052×10-4 7.3234×10-4
    c=1.3×105 Ns/m2 6.0310×10-4 5.7984×10-4
    60型钢轨I=3.217×10-5 m4 ks=8×107N/m2 c=0 1.1625×10-3 1.2019×10-3
    c=1.3×105 Ns/m2 9.1647×10-4 9.2879×10-4
    ks=1.6×108 N/m2 c=0 6.2875×10-4 6.4796×10-4
    c=1.3×105 Ns/m2 5.4165×10-4 5.2476×10-4
    75型钢轨I=4.49×10-5 m4 ks=8×107 N/m2 c=0 1.1151×10-3 1.038 3×10-3
    c=1.3×105 Ns/m2 8.4569×10-4 8.927 7×10-4
    ks=1.6×108 N/m2 c=0 6.6603×10-4 5.9460×10-4
    c=1.3×105 Ns/m2 5.0035×10-4 4.911 8×10-4
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  • 收稿日期:  2002-10-25
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