摘要: 为了提高混凝土箱梁三维温度应力计算精度, 考虑了泊松效应所引起的各温度应力分量之间的相互耦合关系, 提出了一种基于热弹性理论的温度应力计算方法, 运用简单的结构力学方法实现三维温度应力的空间分析, 导出了混凝土箱梁三维温度应力的实用计算公式。实例计算表明该方法和实用计算公式有效, 箱梁温度应力计算结果与三维有限元分析结果吻合很好, 而传统的温度应力计算方法计算结果偏低, 误差可达25%以上。Abstract: In order to improve the computation precision of 3-D thermal stress of concrete box-girder, the coupling relationship among thermal stress components caused by the effect of Poisson's ratio was taken into account, a computation method of thermal stress was proposed based on the theory of thermoelasticity, an integral property of thermal stress was deduced and used to effectively simplify the computation formulation of thermal stress, thermal stress was analyzed by simple structural analysis method, its practical computation formulas were derived. The results calculated by the method and formulas agree with those calculated by 3-D FEM, while the computation errors of conventional methods are more than 25%, which indicates the method and formulas are feasible.
Key words:
- bridge engineering /
- concrete box-girder /
- thermal stress /
- thermoelasticity theory /
- Poisson's ratio
表 1 温度应力计算结果对比
Table 1. Comparison of thermal stress computation results
MPa 点号 方法1:三维有限元法 方法2:平面有限元法和式(16) 方法3:公式(20)~(32) σx σy σz σx σy σz σx σy σz ① -6.43 0.00 -7.12 -6.43 0.00 -7.13 -6.40 0.00 -7.10 ② 2.11 0.00 1.97 2.11 0.00 1.97 2.06 0.00 1.97 ③ 0.01 1.30 2.30 0.01 1.30 2.31 0.00 1.43 2.35 ④ 0.00 -1.49 1.74 0.00 -1.49 1.74 0.00 -1.43 1.77 ⑤ -0.06 0.00 -0.30 -0.06 0.00 -0.30 -0.05 0.00 -0.30 ⑥ -0.06 0.00 -0.64 -0.06 0.00 -0.64 -0.04 0.00 -0.64 -
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