摘要: 以高速公路收费系统数据库为主, 收费站抽样调查为补充, 分析了中国高速公路网运输状态。分析结果表明: 与2006年相比, 2007年度高速公路网货运密度同比提升了12.30%;小型客车(小于等于7座)客运密度同比提升了18.90%;汽车列车完成货物周转量的66.20%, 货运车辆空车走行率为18.97%, 超限30%以上的货车比重为6.81%;小型客车完成旅客周转量的38.12%, 轿车平均每车乘坐2.50人; 中国高速公路网运输的特点是货车比重大, 货车行驶量占总行驶量的37.52%, 这种情况加重了道路负载, 也容易出现事故, 尤其在山区高速公路上; 高速公路网大中型客车运输市场已经受到来自铁路的挤压, 在今后几年中, 这种现象还将持续。Abstract: Based on the databases of expressway toll system and sample survey in toll station, the transportation state of Chinese expressway network in 2007 was analyzed. Analysis result showed that the density of freight traffic in expressway network rose by 12.30% in the same period in 2006. The passenger traffic density of mini-type buses(the seat amount of every bus is less than 8) rose by 18.90%. 66.20% of freight turnover volume was produced by tractor-trailer combinations. The percentage of empty truck kilometers to loaded truck kilometers was 18.97%. The percentage of trucks whose overweight was more than 30% was 6.81%, 38.12% of passenger turnover volume was produced by mini-type buses. Average passengers carried by per car were 2.50. The characteristic of transportation in Chinese expressway network was that the proportion of freight traffic is higher. Vehicle kilometers completed by trucks accounted for 37.52% in total vehicle kilometers. This situation aggravated loads on road, and facilitated accidents, especially on montane expressways. In 2007, passenger transport market formed by large sized and medium-sized passenger cars in expressway network was pressed by railway transportation, and this situation will continue in the next few years.
表 1 货车主要轴型
Table 1. Chief axle types of truck
表 2 各轴型货车比重的变化
Table 2. Proportion variations of trucks with different axle types
轴型 年度 车数比重/% 行驶量比重/% 周转量比重/% 2轴4胎 2007 12.40 6.25 0.95 2006 17.58 7.74 1.42 2轴6胎 2007 42.43 33.67 13.02 2006 48.79 38.24 18.64 3、4轴单车 2007 16.42 19.13 19.83 2006 13.26 17.60 20.25 半挂列车 2007 28.75 40.95 66.20 2006 20.47 36.42 59.73 表 3 空车走行率的变化
Table 3. Variations of empty to loaded truck kilometers
轴型 年度 省内运输/% 跨省运输/% 总量/% 2轴单车 2007 36.17 15.03 24.95 2006 36.01 15.87 26.52 3、4轴单车 2007 33.24 8.38 15.00 2006 32.82 9.38 17.73 半挂列车 2007 28.74 10.37 15.28 2006 35.02 9.28 13.93 合计 2007 33.30 11.37 18.93 2006 35.33 10.97 20.13 表 4 各类装载状况的货车比重
Table 4. Percentages of trucks classified by load conditions %
空车 不超限 超限0%~30% 超限30%~50% 超限50%~100% 超限超过100% 超限合计 按GB1589 27.44 43.51 22.23 4.18 2.27 0.36 29.04 按路政治超 27.44 58.49 11.25 1.64 0.99 0.16 14.04 表 5 北京市经由高速公路运抵的货物品类比重
Table 5. Proportions of goods arriving at Beijing through expressways
序号 货类 京石/% 京张/% 京秦/% 京津塘/% 1 煤炭及制品 4.305 68.975 0.000 1.132 2 石油、天然气及制品 0.000 0.000 2.719 0.000 3 金属矿石 0.000 2.009 0.215 0.000 4 钢铁 3.361 8.382 18.817 12.710 5 矿物性建筑材料 11.238 3.587 5.229 17.480 6 水泥 0.598 1.810 26.285 1.387 7 木材 2.811 0.549 4.317 2.169 8 非金属矿石 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 9 肥料及农药 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 10 盐 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.190 11 粮食 4.972 0.510 4.373 4.995 12 机械设备 15.129 3.887 9.025 16.714 13 化工原料及制品 13.047 3.051 5.037 5.333 14 有色金属 0.190 0.000 0.508 0.542 15 轻工、医药产品 23.775 4.292 10.803 22.400 16 农、林、牧、渔业产品 16.811 2.948 11.109 13.601 17 其他货类 3.763 0.000 1.563 1.347 表 6 中部区位的省份(地区)穿越过境的货车行驶量比重
Table 6. Proportions of freight car kilometers in different provinces in central section
省份和地区 穿越过境货车行驶量/(104 veh·km) 货车总行驶量/(104 veh·km) 穿越过境货车比重/% 冀西北 38 720 83 214 46.53 冀东北 63 682 153 586 41.46 湖南 89 873 219 500 40.94 皖北 66 839 190 010 35.18 湖北 102 815 308 133 33.37 冀南 97 762 326 700 29.92 河南 122 077 452 358 26.99 苏北 70 576 320 428 22.02 表 7 各车型的客车平均座位数和乘坐率
Table 7. Average amounts of seats and utilization rates for different types of passenger cars
车型 座位数 平均座位数 乘坐率/% Ⅰ ≤7 5.27 48.75 Ⅱ 8~19 11.52 47.99 Ⅲ 20~39 33.23 74.98 Ⅳ ≥40 45.98 76.43 表 8 客车平均运行速度
Table 8. Average speeds of passenger cars
车型 座位数 速度/(km·h-1) 样本数/veh Ⅰ ≤7 87.07 243 845 338 Ⅱ 8~19 83.50 21 939 857 Ⅲ 20~39 83.77 18 867 054 Ⅳ ≥40 84.63 9 660 706 注: 运行速度是行驶距离除以运行时间, 运行时间是出口时刻与入口时刻之差, 包括行驶时间、服务区和路边停歇时间及出口收费站等待交费时间。 表 9 货车平均运行速度
Table 9. Average speeds of trucks
车型 轴型 速度/(km·h-1) 样本数/veh 单车 2轴4胎 68.41 21 177 454 单车 2轴6胎 62.35 78 984 701 单车 3、4轴 57.52 29 226 770 半挂列车 3~6轴 55.60 62 363 715 表 10 3轴和4轴单车平均运行速度(2007)
Table 10. Average speeds of single unit trucks with 3 or 4 axles in 2007
装载工况 空车/(km·h-1) 不超限重车/(km·h-1 超限0%~30%/(km·h-1) 超限30%~50%/(km·h-1) 超限50%~100%/(km·h-1) 超限超过100%/(km·h-1) 平均速度 67.35 60.40 54.92 52.76 46.92 41.33 -
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