摘要: 基于心理学理论研究了指路标志字体与背景亮度比与视力的关系, 分析了颜色的色调、饱和度、明度等属性对颜色视认性的影响。通过现场试验对字膜与底膜逆反射系数等级对视认性的影响进行了研究, 并建立了逆反射系数与视认距离的关系模型。研究结果表明: 字体与背景亮度存在一个最佳比能使视认效果达到最佳, 蓝底白字标志的视认性比绿底白字的好; 指路标志的最优字膜与底膜配比为字膜逆反射系数为600 cd.lx-1.m-2时, 底膜逆反射系数为92.5 cd.lx-1.m-2, 此时对应的视认距离为141.9 m; 现行的指路标志反光膜等级设置偏高, 应当降低等级。Abstract: The relationship between eyesight and the brightness ratio of word and background was analyzed, and the influences of colors' hue, saturation and brightness on colors' visibility were studied based on psychological theories.The influences of retro-reflective coefficient grades on visibility were researched based on field experiments, and the relation model between retro-reflective coefficient and visibility distance was established.Analysis result shows that there is a certain brightness ratio which can make the visibility best, and the visibility of white word on blue background is better than that of white word on green background.The best configuration of word and background for reflecting film is that the retro-reflective coefficient of word is 600 cd·lx-1·m-2, that of background is 92.5 cd·lx-1·m-2, and the corresponding visibility distance is 141.9 m.Analysis result indicates that the current grade of guide sign is higher and should be lowered.
Key words:
- traffic facility /
- guide sign /
- reflecting film /
- optimization technology
表 1 人眼对颜色的探测能力
Table 1. Detective ability of eyes to colors
颜色 观察距离/m 可探测的最小面积/m2 黄 230 1.3 白 230 1.5 红 230 1.7 蓝 230 1.9 绿 230 2.0 黑 230 3.3 表 2 反光膜等级
Table 2. Grade of reflecting film
表 3 不同条件下逆反射系数
Table 3. Retro-reflective coefficients under different conditions
表 4 逆反射系数与静态视认距离关系
Table 4. Relationship between retro-reflective coefficients and static legibility distances
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