摘要: 为了解决中国公路运输的“瓶颈”问题, 分析了现有公路网的干线路网和基础路网的范畴, 研究了公路建设费用、土地占用成本、运输成本、路网使用效率4个因素对基础路网布局规划的影响, 以有利于国民经济和社会发展产生的运输需求为目标, 构造了基础路网规划的四因素模型和算法, 开发了模型与算法的集成软件ArcGIS。分析结果表明: 规划后的基础路网使用效率能相对保持在70%~80%内, 能够清楚地反映研究区域的运输需求流量和流向, 因此, 集成软件ArcGIS可行。Abstract: In order to sovle the bottleneck problem of road transportation of China, the scopes of main road network and basic road network in current road network.The influence of the construction expense and ground-occupied cost of highway, transportation cost, the service efficiency of road network on basic road network planning were studied.The transportation demand was taken as a planning target, which is in favor of the development of national economy and society.The planning model and algorithm promoted by above four factors were established and their integration software ArcGIS was developed.Analysis result shows that the service efficiency of basic road network after planning is in reasonable range of 70% to 80%, the ArcGIS system can reflect the volume and direction of transportation demand in studied area, so the ArcGIS system is feasible.
Key words:
- traffic planning /
- basic road network /
- transportation demand /
- four factors model /
- ArcGIS saftware
表 1 基础路网使用效率对比
Table 1. Comparison of service efficiencies for basic road networks
路网 使用效率合理值/% 建成使用10年后的使用效率/% 原有的基础路网 70~80 > 100 规划的基础路网 70~80 -
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