摘要: 采用傅立叶逆变换将轨道不平顺功率谱密度转换为时域不平顺序列, 分析了美国轨道中心线各种不平顺的相关性。利用轨道中心线不平顺与左右轨道不平顺的关系, 将中心线轨道不平顺等效转换为左右轨道的垂向和横向不平顺, 通过车辆动力学仿真计算了轮轨作用力响应, 并比较了美国五级谱单侧不平顺与中国干线谱不平顺。比较结果表明: 各种中心线不平顺之间相关系数均小于0.3, 为微弱相关, 可视为统计独立的; 中心线轨道不平顺响应与等效后的左右轨道不平顺响应的相关系数均大于0.8, 为高度相关, 验证了等效转换的正确性; 美国五级谱单侧不平顺功率谱密度在低频部分高于中国干线谱, 在高频部分则低于中国干线谱。Abstract: The power spectrum density of track irregularity was transformed to time-domain irregularity by inverse Fourier transform, and the correlation of various irregularities of America center line was analyzed. The relation between center line and left/right rail irregularities was used to transform the center line irregularity to the irregularities of left and right rails, and the rail/wheel interaction force response was computed by the simulation of vehicle system dynamics. The one side irregularities of America five grade railway and Chinese main line was compared.Analysis result indicates that all correlation coefficients among the center line irregularities are less than 0.3, they are low correlative and are considered independent of each other. All correlation coefficients of wheel/rail responses between the center line and left/right rail irregularities were more than 0.8, they are high correlative, so the equivalency transform is right.The one side power spectrum density of America five grade railway is higher than that of the Chinese main line in low frequency and is less in high frequency.
表 1 不平顺相关系数
Table 1. Correlation coefficients of various track irregularities
不平顺种类 垂向不平顺 水平不平顺 方向不平顺 轨距不平顺 垂向不平顺 1.000 0 0.010 6 -0.063 5 0.030 6 水平不平顺 0.010 6 1.000 0 -0.005 9 -0.020 5 方向不平顺 -0.063 5 -0.005 9 1.000 0 -0.071 2 轨距不平顺 0.030 6 -0.020 5 -0.071 2 1.000 0 表 2 中国干线轨道谱的特征参数
Table 2. PSD characteristic parameters of Chinese main lines
参数 A B C D E F G 左高低 0.127 0 -2.153 1 1.550 3 4.983 5 1.389 1 -0.032 7 0.001 8 右高低 0.332 6 -1.375 7 0.549 7 2.490 7 0.405 7 0.085 8 -0.001 4 左轨向 0.062 7 -1.184 0 0.677 3 2.123 7 -0.084 7 0.034 0 -0.000 5 右轨向 0.159 5 -1.385 3 0.667 1 2.333 1 0.256 1 0.092 8 -0.001 6 -
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