Design method of asphalt mixture aggregate gradation based on high-temperature performance
摘要: 为设计嵌挤、密实、稳定的矿料级配, 利用粗集料堆积密度试验分析了容器容积和撒铺方式对集料密度测试结果的影响, 建立了基于MTS的粗集料贯入试验方法, 对不同混合料进行了汉堡车辙试验, 并提出利用贯入试验确定粗集料级配, 利用贝雷法合成粗细集料的混合料级配。试验结果表明: 受到容器容积、集料洒落方式等的影响, 国内外粗集料松装密度测试数据间存在6%的差距; 按贝雷法设计的混合料无法保证其高温稳定性能; 贯入试验可有效区分粗集料稳定性, 同时与混合料车辙深度的线性相关系数达到0.71。可见, 混合料级配设计方法可有效确保混合料高温性能。Abstract: In order to gain the aggregate gradation with extrusion, density and stabilization, the density test of coarse aggregate was used to research the influences of vessel volume and spreading mode on aggregate density, penetration test was established based on MTS, and Hamburg wheel rutting test was taken for different mixtures. The gradation of coarse aggregate was confirmed by penetration test, and the aggregate gradations of asphalt mixtures were combined by Bailey method. Test result shows that because of the difference of vessel volumes and falling modes of aggregate, the home and abroad test difference of loose densities of aggregate is 6%. The good high-temperature performance of the mixture designed with Bailey method can not be assured. Penetration test can distinguish the stability of coarse aggregate effectively, and the correlation coefficient with the rutting depth of mixture is 0.71. So the high-temperature performance of mixture can be kept well by using the method.
Key words:
- road material /
- asphalt mixture /
- gradation design /
- penetration test /
- Bailey method /
- Hamburg wheel rutting test
表 1 容量桶规格
Table 1. Vessel specifications
粗集料公称最大粒径/mm 容量桶容积/L 容量桶规格/mm 筒壁厚度/mm 内径 净高 底厚 ≤4.75 3 155±2 160±2 5.0 2.5 9.5~26.5 10 205±2 305±2 5.0 2.5 31.5~37.5 15 255±2 295±2 5.0 3.0 ≥53 20 355±2 305±2 5.0 3.0 表 2 集料堆积密度适宜容器容积
Table 2. Suitable volumes of vessels for packing densities of aggregates
粒径/mm 2.36 4.75 9.5 13.2 16 19 26.5 31 37.5 松装密度适宜容器容积/L 5 5 10 10 10 10 10 15 20 插捣密度适宜容器容积/L 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 10 15 表 3 容器建议容积
Table 3. Suggested volumes of vessels
公称最大粒径/mm 容器容积/L 容器规格/mm 壁厚/mm 内径 净高 底厚 2.36~9.5 5 175±2 200±2 5 2.5 9.5~26.5 10 205±2 305±2 5 2.5 ≥26.5 20 355±2 305±2 5 3.0 表 4 粗集料堆积密度
Table 4. Packing densities of coarse aggregates
集料粒径/mm 集中洒落时下落高度/mm 松装密度/ (g·cm-3) 50 mm高度时不同撒铺方式 松装密度/ (g·cm-3) 13.2 50 1.49 均匀 1.54 115 1.51 集中 1.49 4.75 50 1.44 均匀 1.52 115 1.47 集中 1.43 表 5 集料级配
Table 5. Gradations of aggregates
% 集料类型 筛孔尺寸/mm 19 16 13.2 9.5 4.75 2.36 1.18 0.6 0.3 0.15 0.075 0 CA-1 100.0 99.4 81.5 20.4 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CA-2 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.8 23.2 2.0 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 FA 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.7 69.7 47.6 31.0 16.4 10.0 0.0 0.0 表 6 粗集料试验级配与体积指标
Table 6. Test gradations and volume indexes of coarse aggregates
% 级配类型 2 3 4 5 6 S Z CA-1质量分数 85 70 55 40 25 34 53 CA-2质量分数 15 30 45 60 75 66 47 松装空隙率 39.31 41.05 40.39 41.71 42.31 40.95 40.93 插捣空隙率 36.49 37.43 37.42 38.20 39.16 37.60 37.52 表 7 混合料级配
Table 7. Gradations of asphalt mixtures
% 筛孔尺寸/mm 混合料级配 2 3 4 5 6 S Z 16 99.67 99.73 99.79 99.85 99.90 99.87 99.84 13.2 90.32 92.02 93.74 95.46 97.20 96.30 95.19 9.5 58.38 65.67 73.01 80.41 87.85 84.01 79.26 4.75 39.13 40.17 41.21 42.26 43.31 49.99 56.27 2.36 27.50 26.72 25.94 25.15 24.36 31.17 37.82 1.18 20.62 20.02 19.41 18.80 18.18 22.94 27.60 0.6 15.45 15.01 14.57 14.13 13.69 16.84 19.94 0.3 10.99 10.76 10.53 10.29 10.06 11.72 13.36 0.15 9.04 8.90 8.76 8.61 8.47 9.48 10.48 0.075 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 表 8 沥青混合料最佳油石比与车辙试验结果
Table 8. Optimal asphalt contents and rutting test results of mixtures
混合料类型 2 3 4 5 6 S Z 最佳油石比/% 4.24 4.56 4.92 5.36 5.79 4.83 3.63 车辙/mm 2.17 2.96 5.13 2.96 7.67 7.20 7.50 表 9 粗集料贯入荷载
Table 9. Penetration loads of coarse aggregates
级配类型 2 3 4 5 6 S Z 贯入荷载/kN 15.7 13.7 15.1 14.7 10.6 12.8 12.1 -
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