摘要: 分析了信号交叉口交通流的随机特性, 根据与期望排队长度相关的相位机动车排队长度偏差指标, 考虑不同相位的权重因素, 建立了交叉口信号配时优化模型, 研究了相位清空可靠度与周期时长和相位绿灯时间的定量关系。对模型进行了确定性转化, 并以两相位信号交叉口为例进行了算例试验分析。计算结果表明: 交通流到达率的方差从0增加到350 pcu.s-1时, 周期时长将从50 s增加到232 s, 且到达率方差较大的相位需要更多的绿灯时间; 排队长度由4 pcu增加到30 pcu时, 相位清空可靠度仅从0.712增加到0.884。可见交通流到达率的随机特性对交叉口信号配时参数的设置影响明显, 模型正确。Abstract: The stochastic characteristic of traffic flow was analyzed at isolated intersection, the deviation of queue length of phase vehicles correlating to the expected queue length was studied, the weights of all phases were considered, and an optimization model of signal timing was proposed. The quantitative relationships among phase clearance reliability (PCR), signal cycle and green time were determined, a deterministic transformation was achieved for the model, and a simulation example of two-phase signalized intersection was analyzed by using the model. The result indicates that when the variance of arrival rate increases from 0 to 350 pcu·s-1, the cycle length increases from 50 s to 232 s, and the phase with the larger variance of arrival rate needs much green time. When the queue length increases from 4 pcu to 30 pcu, the phase clearance reliability only increases from 0.712 to 0.884. The random variation of arrival rate has an obvious effect on traffic signal setting, and the model is correct.
表 1 相位1到达率为随机变量的计算结果
Table 1. Calculation result under random arrival rate of phase 1
b/pcu σ12=70, σ22=0 σ12=210, σ22=0 σ12=280, σ22=0 σ12=350, σ22=0 C/s g1/s g2/s α C/s g1/s g2/s α C/s g1/s g2/s α C/s g1/s g2/s α 4 50 24 20 0.995 50 24 20 0.800 52 26 20 0.758 53 27 20 0.712 6 52 26 20 0.997 59 30 23 0.848 59 30 23 0.782 62 32 24 0.739 10 80 43 31 0.999 81 44 31 0.898 82 44 32 0.832 90 49 35 0.788 16 127 72 49 0.933 129 73 50 0.871 133 75 52 0.819 30 210 122 82 0.952 216 126 84 0.894 232 136 90 0.844 表 2 相位1、2到达率均为随机变量的计算结果
Table 2. Calculation result under random arrival rates of phase 1 and 2
b/pcu σ12=70, σ22=70 σ12=70, σ22=140 σ12=70, σ22=210 σ12=140, σ22=140 C/s g1/s g2/s α C/s g1/s g2/s α C/s g1/s g2/s α C/s g1/s g2/s α 4 46 20 20 0.871 56 24 26 0.841 59 24 29 0.771 60 27 27 0.782 6 62 28 28 0.945 64 28 30 0.864 70 30 34 0.811 70 32 32 0.811 10 80 37 37 0.971 106 47 53 0.922 110 47 57 0.860 110 52 52 0.860 16 144 69 69 0.990 158 71 81 0.943 168 73 89 0.885 168 81 81 0.885 30 260 127 127 0.995 278 127 145 0.957 300 132 162 0.903 300 147 147 0.903 -
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